A great picture of global warming on the Hudson in Lower Manhattan . . . . . . yesterday. Us commoners call global warming "winter," this time of year.


  1. More photos of global warming.

    1. All global warming is regional. Compare what is happening in the Mied West and North East in our country . . . . . coldest temps in a 100 years, in some cases, coldest temps ever.

    2. http://climate.nasa.gov/evidence/

  2. Another excellent article on the climate conspiracy:

    1. One scientist involved in the scandal versus dozens falsifying climate records for more than a decade. (read about the scandal here: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/comment/columnists/christopherbooker/6679082/Climate-change-this-is-the-worst-scientific-scandal-of-our-generation.html.

    2. Hahaha... the article has been pulled.
      Manufactured scandal. Total BS. Total vindication:



    3. I read a great number of the emails in question. Of course the climate change cabal will review and deny the facts of the case. But this does not change the facts of the case. The emails I actually read dealt with discrepancies between actual temp averages and what the climate change folks were predicting and saying. To argue that there is nothing to this scandal is to argue that all the emails were somehow false documents planted in university files. That is not the complaint.

    4. Science denial is the hallmark of the GOP. Faith healing ...


    5. Also, the article has not been pulled. I just read the article, again, this morning.

    6. Willie Soon has been discredited (Feb 2015) for having accepted funding from oil related companies. The article is here: http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2015/02/23/armageddon-for-climate-change-deniers.html. Sadly, cheats and liars exist on both sides of this question. To my knowledge, Soon's science is or was not the issue, however, only that he accepted funding from those related to the fossil fuel industry. Whether this actually disqualifies the man, is to be seen.

    7. Willie Soon is not the exception, he is the rule. The Kochs are even attacking solar power initiatives. Who does this benefit? Yes, the Kochs.


    8. Willie Soon is the exception. And his science was not issue, only that he did not reveal funding sources for his work. All that stuff about the Koch brothers is simply make believe. Steyer funds Left Wing nutjob scientists. So why is that not a problem?

  3. Science denial is the hallmark of the GOP. Faith healing ...

    1. Just another outrageous lie. What separates the GOP as a political party is its alliance to the working middle class, its allegiance to the US Constitution, its pledge to reduce taxes when possible and balance budgets, its willingness to support working women and advance them as entrepreneurs, its opposition to the Utopian demand for One World governance and its premium on "patriotism." All that Anonymous has done, is to major in minors. I can cite more examples of Left Wing excesses than he can, Right Wing nut jobs. Their (left wing) unions are filled with corruption and thugs. the Dems no only believe in a man's right to work without asking permission of stinking union boss. You have the environmental movement, responsible for the destruction of billions of dollars of property (new car lost, new construction projects) . They hate the traditional America we know, its founders, and its historic documents. They are godless, arrogant to a fault and self-absorbed. I could go on.
