We are dedicating today's posts and tomorrow, to the losing war on terror, a war Obama seems committed to losing; a war in which he has backstabbed all of our Middle East allies, and turned the Middle East into a apocalyptic nightmare.

Editor's notes:  highlighted in red,  below,  are those critical misconceptions,  coming from the Beginner in our White House,  that put us all in increasing danger.  Understand that ISIS has a world view,  is a religious entity - albeit a false view,  and intends to conquer the entire world for the "Prophet."  Obama denies all of this and,  today,  more than four months after giving his televised speech,  three of the nation's finest generals,  including the retiring head of the DIA,  were sharply critical of Obama with regard to his feckless fantasy he calls a "strategy."  Again,  four months after announcing his strategy and naming Yemen and Somalia,  in this very televised speech, as grand examples of his terror policy,  we have had to retreat from Yemen,  no one every thought Somalia was an example of anything good,  and Libya is being over-run by jihadist  --  this Libyan circumstance being the news of today.  

From Critical Threat. org:   President Barack Obama delivers a live televised address to the nation on his plans for U.S. military action against the Islamic State, September 10, 2014. (Reuters)
President Obama just announced that he is bringing a counter-terrorism strategy to an insurgency fight. He was at pains to repeat the phrase “counter-terror” four times in a short speech. Noting that ISIL is not a state (partly because the international community thankfully does not recognize it), he declared, “ISIL is a terrorist organization, pure and simple. And it has no vision other than the slaughter of all who stand in its way.”  Neither of those sentences, unfortunately, is true.
ISIL is an insurgent group that controls enormous territory in Iraq and Syria that it governs. It maneuvers conventional light infantry forces supported by vehicles mounting machine guns and occasionally armored personnel carriers against the regular forces of the Iraqi Army and the Kurdish Peshmerga—and wins. 
It is purely and simply not a terrorist organization any longer. Neither is it the simple manifestation of nihilistic evil the president makes out.
ISIL has described a very clear vision of seizing control of all of the territory of Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Israel, and the Palestinian Territories.  It intends to abolish all of the borders and redraw them according to a new structure of governance suitable to its hateful version of an old Islamic heresy.  That vision also makes it more than a simple terrorist organization.  It’s awfully hard to develop a sound strategy when you start by mis-diagnosing the problem so profoundly. That’s why the “strategy” the president just announced has no chance of success


  1. Do like Bush, spend a few trillion bucks, bomb, invade, kill tens of thousands of people, occupy indefinitely, bankrupt America, create a depression. Maybe that would make Smithson happy... make him feel more macho and secure?

    1. If I take your hyperbole literally, it is demonstrably false on every count: no "trillions," no "kill of tens of thousands," no "occupy indefinitely," no "bankrupt America," no blaming the recession on the war (trying blaming the idiotic policy of "Affordable Housing" and you will be on the right track.
