The HuffPost, the Hill, Salon and other Anarchist groups think this is a good idea.

Before continuing,  answer this question:  Don't most street punks,  black or otherwise,  already own guns?  Good grief;  how far from the real world do these One Percenters live?  When you consider the failure of the ACA Rollout,  the feckless nature of the healthcare law itself,  the mess that has been made in Iraq, the extreme hatefilled division injected by the Black Progressive Left,   and on and on,  it is clear that the Progressive wing of the Democrat Party has no clue how to lead a nation and govern a populace.  


  1. Trayvon and Brown were completely different cases.

    1. Both punks. Travon came back to Zimmerman's truck to kick his ass. Brown turned on Wilson to kick his ass. Both were used to by Sharpton to incite riot. Obama sided with both youth, but, only the Brown effort turned into what Anarchist love to see. I don't know that Travon thought the Mexican wannabe cop had a gun. Maybe he did. For certain, Brown knew because he tried to take Wilson's gun away from him. Travon, other than trying to beat up Zimmmerman, was doing nothing illegal. Brown, of course, had just rob a store, had the goods in his hand when Wilson tried to stop him, assaulted Officer Wilson, and refused an order to stop pursuing the officer. So, in all that, there is a big difference.
