The poll finds that 50 percent of adults says Republican control of the House and Senate will be bad for the country, compared to 44 percent who says it will be good.
Fifty-two percent says there will be more gridlock with a Republican Congress, while just 9 percent says there will be less. Thirty-seven percent says there will be no difference . . . . if you have time to kill, read the rest of this biased poll reporting, here.
Editor's notes: I find this sort of story amusing. The Utopian driven news wants you to believe the midterms meant nothing, that their survey stats are more the true picture of what America wants than the last election, in which the American voter clearly and undeniably voted against Barack Hussein Obama and his policies. The poll cited above, is a CNN poll (prob #1) and pretends to be a serious report (prob #2) as to the national attitude toward (especially) the GOP.
By contrast to CNN's nonsense, here is what has happened to the Democrat Party over the course of the last four years, including the 2010 midterms: the Dems lost the House, outright, in landslide local elections that put the GOP in control of our district governance (there are 435 representative districts in the nation) and Senate Democrats lost 5 seats, down to 55 seats fromits 60 majority. 800 state and local elections flipped power to the GOP and the Republican Party came into control of 27 state houses (governorships), all of this in a historic election that the Democrats promptly ignored.
In 2012, Obama won re-election, but what has seldom been reported is the fact that Romney garnered 1 million more votes than McCain and Obama lost 3 million votes from his 2008 totals, giving the GOP a swing of 4 million votes.
In 2014, we have another landslide disaster for the Democrats, only this time, many power Democrats within the party have taken notice.
The GOP took down 9 Democrat Senators (if Landrieu loses in Louisiana) giving the Dems only 43 Senate seats and the GOP 54. In the House, the GOP picked up 13 seats (6 to 8 was the prediction) and own a 243 seat majority. 31 state houses are now Republican, with 67 state legislative houses (out of 100) in GOP hands. In addition, state and local election have tuned a total of 2,900 positions to the GOP. The Progressive Democrat Party is at its weakest, across the nation, since the 1921 elections . . . . that is how bad it is for these clowns. And, still, they pretend the nation prefers them over the GOP.
What is laughable is the fact that their polling lies are fooling no one. My advice? Put this CNN poll in the same file you have reserved for all the other Democrat lies told over the past 6 years.
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