Sharpton is hoping for a Black Rebellion. Today he is planning a million man march in D.C. - but only took out a permit for 5,000.

<<<  Al Sharpton speaking at some event  . . . . . . . .  ooooops,  that's H Obama.  
Out of the Washington Times because NBC does not report negative Progressive news:  The Rev. Al Sharpton is keeping expectations low for Saturday’s National March Against Police Violence — predicting that only “several thousand” protesters will gather along Washington’s Pennsylvania Avenue.
“We have over 100 buses coming from New York alone, but I’m not giving out numbers,” Sharpton told The Post Friday night.
The permit is for just 5,000 protesters, a National Parks Service spokesperson said Friday.
That’s modest by DC protest standards.
Martin Luther King Jr. amassed a crowd of 250,000 for his 1963 civil-rights march; the 1995 Million Man March drew 400,000 to the nation’s capital   . . . . . .
Editor's notes:  Let's not forget the 1.2 million bikers in the their "two million man march" and the 2 million teaparty types,  gathering back in late 2009.  
Sharpton is in the Progressive News.  If not for them,  he would be absolutely nothing.  

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