Daily news review per White HOuse Dossier - a great review of articles that we often discuss, here at Midknight Review.

The Right Stuff In The Morning

Friday, December 12, 2014  

Good morning! In the news today: A $1.1 trillion spending bill passes with an allied effort by House leaders and President Obama, enraging conservatives; Americans want probes of Benghazi, the IRS to continue; Romney is looking more open to running; and can man keep his best friend in Heaven?

Have a great weekend.

$1.1 Trillion spending bill passes the House . . . A last-minute plea from President Obama and fatigued GOP leaders overcame rebellions from both conservatives and liberals, clearing the $1.1 trillion spending bill through the House on Thursday in a dramatic late-night vote.Washington Times
Conservatives enraged . . . Conservatives are ending the year frustrated at their own party’s leaders, who they think cut them out of the funding process and fumbled a chance to pick apart Obama’s immigration actions as soon as they were announced by not using the must-pass funding bill to undo it. Politico
House leaders allied with Obama . . . Do you want to know where Republican leaders are today? In bed with the White House, and enjoying every minute of it. White House Dossier
Bill takes a shot a Michelle's lunch program . . . Health advocates are blasting provisions in federal funding legislation that are seen as dialing back school nutrition standards, even as the White House seeks to downplay the riders as “minor adjustments” to the first lady’s signature policy. The Hill
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Mike Lee: Obama plots backdoor legalization . . . President Obama’s recently unveiled immigration scheme creates a new path for illegal immigrants and those who overstay their visas to become legal citizens nearly instantly, according to Utah Sen. Mike Lee. Washington Examiner
Medicaid appointments tough to get . . . It is difficult for beneficiaries to see doctors through the program, and with Obamacare expanded the rolls, the problem will only get worse. Washington Examiner

It's not clear how much better off people are with Medicaid than without it.
Only One Percent say global warming top concern . . . President Barack Obama's core policy initiatives, such as combating global warming and income inequality, barely register as top concerns for most Americans. Breitbart
It's just not a hot topic . . . okay, sorry.
Seventy percent want more digging on IRS . . . Call it a “kumbaya” question, as majorities of Democrats (60 percent), independents (75 percent) and Republicans (78 percent) support lawmakers continuing to dig. Fox News
Kerry: Post-9/11 an "Ugly, horribly period" . . . Wait a second, bud. I remember, the years after 9/11. They were years of unparalleled American heroism, years when a country that had been brutally attacked stood up to the challenge and took the fight to its enemies, led by servicemen and women as brave and dedicated as the nation has ever produced, none of whom, to my knowledge, threw their medals over the White House fence. White House Dossier
Brennan: Interrogations saved lives . . . CIA Director John Brennan is acknowledging that agency officers did "abhorrent" things to captive terror suspects, and he says he can't prove the harsh treatment made the prisoners cooperate. But he defends the overall post-9/11 interrogation program for stopping attacks and saving lives. Associated Press
Americans want Benghazi probe to continue . . . By a 58-38 percent margin, voters think Congress should continue digging into the administration’s handling of the debacle. Fox News 
Does anyone know what Hillary and Obama did that night? What orders they gave?​ Or failed to give?
Coburn bids adieu with plea for founding principles . . . “Can we cheat history?” Sen. Tom Coburn, R-Okla., said, noting that every previous republic has “died. I honestly believe we can. But I don’t believe we can if we ignore the wisdom of our founding documents.” Washington Examiner
Backers: Romney may be more open to a run . . . He has sounded unimpressed with the emerging GOP field, associates say. Politico
Jeb's Romney-style problem . . . Bush’s recent business ventures reveal that he shares a number of liabilities with the last nominee, Mitt Romney, whose career in private equity proved so politically damaging that it sunk his candidacy. Bloomberg
Michigan Gov. Snyder mulls a run . . . Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder, a Republican, bet his political career on turning around Detroit, even as many leaders of the overwhelmingly Democratic city proclaimed he would fail.bSnyder’s success since last summer has given him a captivating rationale to run for president — and a story he intends to share across the country in the coming months. Politico
Don't think the field is settled. You never know who else may emerge. 
Charles Johnson, digital Darth Vader? . . . The ferocious blogger who outed UVA’s Jackie is creating an online empire of fear, and he’s just getting started. Politico
Rosie O'Donnell selling anti-Israeli artwork . . . Rosie O’Donnell is selling artwork on her website embossed with messages acutely critical of Israel’s actions during this summer’s hostilities with Hamas. The photo she’s using, however, was taken in Syria. The Blaze
Voters back Ferguson decision, oppose New York's . . . By 55-33 percent, they agree with the grand jury decision in Ferguson, Missouri not to seek criminal charges against a white police officer. By 57-27 percent, they disagree with the decision not to seek criminal charges against a white officer in the death of a black man stopped for selling loose cigarettes. Fox News
Congressional staffers protest decisions . . . Dozens of U.S. congressional staff staged a walkout on Thursday to protest decisions by grand juries not to charge white police officers in the killings of unarmed black men in Ferguson, Missouri, and New York City. Reuters
Did the Pope open the Pearly Gate to doges? . . . Trying to console a distraught little boy whose dog had died, Francis told him in a recent public appearance on St. Peter’s Square that “paradise is open to all of God’s creatures.” While it is unclear whether the pope’s remarks helped soothe the child, they were welcomed by groups that who saw them as a repudiation of conservative Catholic theology that says animals cannot go to heaven because they have no souls. New York Times
If the Pope says I can take my dogs to Heaven with me, I might just convert.
Keith Koffler
White House Dossier

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