"Loophole" pays employers $3000 per illegal hired, to help cover healthcare costs. And the lies advancing One World Utopianism continue.

Out of the Washington Times,  we have this disappointing bit of news: 

President Obama’s temporary amnesty, which lasts three years, declares up to 5 million illegal immigrants to be lawfully in the country and eligible for work permits, but it still deems them ineligible for public benefits such as buying insurance on Obamacare’s health exchanges.

The loophole was confirmed by congressional aides and drew condemnation from those who said it put illegal immigrants ahead of Americans in the job market.

“If it is true that the president’s actions give employers a $3,000 incentive to hire those who came here illegally, he has added insult to injury,” said Rep. Lamar Smith, Texas Republican. “The president’s actions would have just moved those who came here illegally to the front of the line, ahead of unemployed and underemployed Americans.”

Editor notes:  We all know, of course, that this is no loophole.   It is a part of the law.  Employers have to supply or assist in the supply of healthcare.  That is the law.  And, Obama knew full well,  that if he allowed legal employment for illegals,  the employer would be forced to include ObamaCare in their benefits packages.  

In the end,  we were told another lie,  in this regard, and the beat goes on and on and on and on.  We are being ruled by an angry black dude from Chicago who tells us all what we want to hear,  and then finds reasons to circumvent his own rhetoric   . . . . .   and he has willing comrade support,  each with their own sense of entitlement as national leaders.  But  . . . .    

. . . . .   some within his own party,  are beginning to realize that these Obama years are not about the Progressive Movement,  or the extension and empowerment of the Democrat Party.  Rather,  it is all about Barack Hussein Obama and his dreams for this country,  and,  his silly mined wife,  running around the country telling folks what they must eat.  Understand that the Obama's have put an illegal immigrant population in front of the hundreds of thousands who are working for the citizenship,  each and every year.   Rather than fix the existing system,  the Obama's of this world have opened the southern border and are working to include all of the incoming populations of this world with the comment:  "We are all Americans now."  Buffoonery at its worst.  What these morons do not seem to understand is this:  this nation does not have the finances to allow for this. Such actions will bankrupt this country,  in a final sense,  if   . . . . . . . .   

. . . . . . .  if we,  as a nation,  do not ultimately surrender our national sovereignty and become a central player in a One World governance.  That is where the Left is going with all this nonsense.  And who will join the Utopian Class in their fantasy of a One World "heaven on Earth?"  Maybe the Left should ask that question as they work to advance their Utopian Fantasy.  Will Iran surrender its sovereignty?  Or China,  or Russia?  What about North Korea,  Pakistan, India or Indonesia?  Somalia?  And who wants the corruption that tags along with the Mexican government?   

More than half of the world's population does not share in this One World fantasy.  If the United States surrenders it's sovereignty for the sake of an Utopian Dream,  the world will lose its only stand against despotism and we all will become slaves to whoever rules the day. Whether an intended consequence or not,  this is the ultimate end to the Obama Political Theory.   And,  this is why One World Utopianism must be defeated and its procurators driven back into the closet.  

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