Chuck Schumer admits passage of the ACA in 2010 was a mistake. Apparently he understands that this bill will decide the 2016 election and devastate the Democrat Party for years into the future.

In this post,  we review comments made by Chuck Schumer, bemoaning the timing for passage of the ACA and how they relate to the future and fortunes of the Party of Big Government and Endless Debt. 
( – Speaking at the National Press Club on Tuesday, Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) said focusing on health care reform in 2009 was a mistake that hurt Democrats because most Americans were happy with their coverage but were unhappy with the economy.
Schumer said the health care law, popularly known as Obamacare, is “very important” but the timing was wrong, and was not at the “top of the agenda” of the American people.
“We were in the middle of recession. … People were hurting and said ‘What about me? I’m losing my job,’” said Schumer, who spoke as the Democratic Policy Chairman on why his Party was defeated in the 2014 mid-term elections by Republicans.
Like I said, about 85 percent of all Americans were fine with their health care in 2009, mainly because it was paid for by either the government or their employer – private sector,” said Schumer. “And so the average middle-class voter, they weren’t opposed to doing health care when it started out but it wasn’t at the top of the agenda.”
“Don’t get me wrong,” Schumer also said. “I think it’s a good bill [Obamacare] and I’m proud to have voted for it.”
“But, it should have come later,” said the senator.
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Editor's notes:  in the days and years before the passage of ObamaCare,  the Dems had a legislative policy when it came to the passage of controversial bills:  always work for a bi-partisan vote.  Such will provide "cover" when the people object.

But,  when it came to ObamaCare, that policy was set aside,  and,  today,  this very unpopular bill hangs around the necks of the Progressives like a millstone. 

Schumer can pretend that the ACA "is a good bill" all he wants,  but the very fact that Obama had to lie to his own party,  is proof of its despotic nature.  Understand that "the people" had no say as to the details of this bill and the GOP, in toto,  was told to "go sit in the corner and wait until we Democrats are finished."  

Think about it:  ObamaCare was scheduled for a Senate vote some five different times before final passage.  Why?  The Republican votes had already been counted,  giving them no voice as the Dems worked to perpetuate this fraud on the American people.   The only votes that counted were those of the Democrat party.  There was no opposition,  and, yet,  it took more than a year and 6 votes,  before "they" got this legislation passed into law.  Even  then,  they had to resort to a rule change called the Nuclear Option (that allowed a 51 vote majority rather than the 60 votes,  required by Senate rule). The 2700 page bill was signed into law on March 23, 2010.  Since that time more than 20,000 pages have been added,  none of it voted on;  all of it written by do-gooder Progressive unelected types.  

Democrat legislative processes,  dictatorial to its core, have made a mockery of "by the people" and other foundational nonsense (I jest).  Many of us on the Right,  have seen the need to do something significant with regards to healthcare and escalating costs,  but,  bring in more people via free health care,  increasing coverage, growing the ranks of Medicare,  and, dening folks their doctors and health care providers,  was not what the country needed.   And,  until all that gets "fixed,"  the e Dems will pay for their deceit and lies,  in 2016 and beyond  . . . . . .

. . . . . .  and Chuck Schumer knows it.  The Senator knows that his party has taken a huge hit, over the course of the past six years,  and,  now stands at its weakest in nearly 100 years,  dating back to 1921 when the Republican's won  that election by 60%,  the single most one sided presidential election in American history.  

This blog has long maintained that Obama is the worst thing to have happened to the Democrat party in our history.  At first,  this was a prediction.  Today it is becoming an undeniable reality,   and,  Obama has two years to make this prediction as true a fact as a true patriot could hope.  Turns out,  the Democrats won a landslide election in 2008,  and wasted their political power on Harry, Nancy and some guy named Hussein.  Today,  the celebrants of this idiotic trifacta are paying the consequences.  To be sure,  they will return to power,  sometime in the future,  but,  unless they are virtually "run out of town,"  they will be the same feckless cabal,  when they return.  

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