Its "pay back time" in this Administration. Will the nation survive the assault of the anti-Constitution Left ? I am not sure any of us know.

"We'll tear this gawd-damn country up," (video)  and with those words,  we have the attitude of the "outsiders" who have become a pox on our nation and our presidency.  Words for calm from Obama, to be sure, but words countered (by Obama) with comments addressed to the Ferguson rioters such as "Stay the course."  He is surrounded by his Castro loving Congressional Black Caucus, and,  has never leveled a single word of condemnation for the trash that is the Angry Black Leadership, per se,   in this country.  No challenge to Louis Farrakhan Muhammad (that's the man's full name),  specifically, and the content and goals of Farrakhan's Nation of Islam.  Not a word critical of Jeremiah Wright,  the person,  and Wright's anti-colonial (as in all that came out of the 13 Colonies), anti-"white man's Christianity" mentality.  There is Obama's administrative inclusion of an Attorney General, Eric Holder,  who has radicalized the Department of Justice,  filled its ranks with some 40 lawyers who refuse to prosecute black on white crime and sees himself an activist black man.   We have a president who reaches out for counsel from Al Sharpton;  invites him to the WH and refuses to challenge this man,  one of the most divisive leaders to have ever come onto the American scene.  Understand this:  these leaders and more  (the 10 year, card carrying communist, Van Jones, the New Black Panthers whom he refuses to prosecute, Bill Ayers) all preach "violent revolution if necessary" and treat white people, those who disagree with their avocation for violence,  as slave masters or "Uncle Toms."  

You should know that Mike Brown's stepdad has been filmed calling for the destruction of Ferguson  ("Burn this bitch down,  burn this bitch down, burn this bitch down") . He and Brown's mother visited the UN,  filed a complaint against Ferguson and the United States,  and returned home, but not before taking pictures with their right hands raised in a Black Power salute.

Understand this:  there is nothing "American" about "Black Power," the Black Power salute, Jeremiah Wright's anti-white rants,  Holder's refusal to prosecute Black on white crime,  Sharpton's "war against whitie" and, his favorite rant,  "No Justice, no peace,"  or the Congressional Black Caucus's embrace of Fidel Castro.  

Obama has emboldened all of this and more.  What to do?  Prepare to protect yourself,  never fail to vote against this crap,  and, wait for this episode in our history,  to be over.     


  1. Usually people who are as racist as you obviously are, come across more ignorantly. So you don't call names, or didn't in this article, but you are as racist as anyone I have read. You think the entire black community is about anger and are against this country. Nothing could be further from the truth. We are anngry because of a hundred years of slavery and broken promises. We are not the only minorities who feel this way, either. In time, you white people will fall out of the majority. Then you will see how it feels to be a second class citizen. White privilege and a "declaration of indepence" that saw the balck man as 3/5 of a person !!! Look what you did with the Indian population. You came here and took their land from them. It was all wrong from the beginning. Sol who is the real American ? The theif in the night or those of us who intend to change this country and make it a better place, you white people be damned.

    1. All comments are reviewed by me before being posted. Since the midterms, the Left has had almost nothing cute to say and the Right has been too busy laughing at the Left, apparently, to take time to post, as well. And now, the commenb, above. Normally, I write a responding "comment" when posting the kinds of comments we have above. But, in this case, what do you say to someone who is so biased, herself,

      Here is what I know, as a family counselor: "Victims" always blame others for their misery. the moment they stop playing the blame game, they stop being victims. The author, above, is no more a victim than I am, or any of my Jewish fiends, or my native Indian friends, or my Hispanic neighbors or my Christian friends who are under attack each and everyday.

      For some blacks, perhaps most, everything is about race. I am near 70, and have watched the black community grow more and more angry as time goes by. I am now a "racist" simply because of my skin color, in spite of a life lived coaching and counseling minorities folks. My wife plays bingo, and is threatened with violence on ANY occasion she chooses to sit where some black woman thinks she should sit. The comments above, celebrate a time when "whitie" becomes as disadvantaged as blacks were, 100 years ago. And that tells the reader, all they need to know about the Angry Black Community. Case closed.
