Here is what it sounds like to have a president who challenges evil. Obama would have said, "We respect your right to maintain this wall and we will help keep it in place, and, oh, here's a check to help feed your poor."


  1. I remember the Left calling Reagan a cowboy, as if that was a negative, and predicting the beginning of WW III. Seriously, I fully remember this. More feckless fearmongering from the Left. Shame they are never held accountable, specifically, for the proven silliness of their attacks on anyone who takes a stand against the evil that is at work to enslave us all, ala Red China, Venezuala, Cuba, Russia, an number of Arab and Aftrican states, and, even, within our own country.

    1. Reagan simply did not do what is given him credit. Russian collapse AFTER Reagan; he tripled the national debt, and did nothing to seal the border, all the Right Wing myths to contrary. The man is a legend only in your mind.
