The question, itself, implies that what Obama is doing, trumps established law and order because his decision to continue ignoring Congress, has an Utopian value . . . . never mind that his actions are illegal and without precedent.
If he cares so much about the Hispanic people and this immigration problem, specifically, why did he not solve the problem, as promised, during his first year? For two years, the GOP had no legislative voice, making 2009 and/or 2010 the perfect time(s) to pass this legislation.
But he chose not to do this. Why? Obama and his henchmen, want you to believe that he, personally, was working on ObamaCare and did not have time for anything else.
He and his "did not have time?" Seriously? Think about this: Congress had time to pass the Lilly Ledbetter Wage Fairness Act (which the Dems now try to pretend did nothing for wage equality). Congress had time to pass a one billion dollar "stimulus" bill that only paid back Democrat voters and unions and did nothing to prevent the recession. They had time to dream up the "Cash for Clunkers" fiasco that went 3 billion dollars over budget and accomplished nothing. They had time to pass a 400 million dollar Omnibus bill (late spring of 2009). They had time to write hundreds of pages of new regulations. They had time to write a 2,000 page financial bill (the Dodd/Frank "Too Big To Fail" bill). H Obama and his radical wife, had time to golf, party at the White House, raise money, and take 10 multi-week vacations during 2009 and 2010.
And how is "I was working on ObamaCare," an excuse, anyway? What in the world were they doing after March 23 of 2010? That was the day ObamaCare was signed into law. They had 9 months remaining as to One Party Rule and did nothing about immigration. Only the most uninformed and gullible believe "they did not have time."
We conclude, therefore, that he could have, and should have, but didn't, solve the immigration problem because that issue works better as bait to get out the Hispanic vote in 2012. the immigration promise worked in 2008; why not give it another try in 2012? This is the same type of scam Democrats have pulled on the Blacks each and every election cycle since LBJ, making promises as to wages and a better life, only to put those promises on the back burner, while the Ignorants in that population keep coming back to their plantation owners in the Socialist Democrat Party. I mean, they were bought and sold and controlled by Southern Democrats for a 100 years and, just can't move away from the "southern comfort" they have grown accustom to. Harsh? You betcha. True? More than you can possibly imagine. But sooner or later, there will be a Black majority that gets tired of the lies.
Back to question: what is the implicit evil in cutting deportations and keeping families together?
Answer: nothing. Those are [always] noble goals. But the problem is this, that is not all that Obama is doing. He is issuing Social Security numbers and work permits to those who are illegally here. That is in violation of the law. He is not simply working around Congress or playing out his discretionary privileges as to the implementation of law. He is rewriting law in giving work status and issuing Social Security identities to those who are illegally here.
I live in California. The nut jobs who run this state, are going to issue driver's licenses to these folks. If they have legal status, a Social Securitiy number and a driver's license complete with an established address, they will be allowed to vote in California although the State has not ruled that they can. How can this be? Understand that if they, the illegals, have a verifiable ID and address, there is no mechanism in this state that would keep them from voting, legally or otherwise.
When I go into the voting station to vote, I am asked to verify my address and sign a ledger, confirming that I am registered to vote. If my name is not on the list, my vote is accepted with my signature and submitted address, and I move on.
While this is not true for many states in our Union, it is true in California and any state that now issues driver's licenses.
Obama can say, "They do not have the right to vote" until the cows come home. The fact is, Obama's executive action allows these illegals de facto voting privileges, and, if states are prevented from requiring voter ID, the immigrant population, under Obama, can change the course of our national elections beginning in 2016.
That is what is wrong with all this. Benefiting the migrant population while disenfranchising the larger and native population is simply wrong. And, so, the battle must continue while the Courts still have a record of commonsense legal decisions on their side.
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