From the mouth of Farrakhan: Another method is disease infection through bio-weapons such as Ebola and AIDS, which are race targeting weapons. There is a weapon that can be put in a room where there are Black and White people, and it will kill only the Black and spare the White, because it is a genotype weapon that is designed for your genes, for your race, for your kind.
Editor's notes: Sadly, much of the Black community has been fed this kind of tripe for 30 years, to the point that such nonsense actually affects their thinking as to race relations within this once great nation. Of course, none of the Farrakhan commentary is true, but who cares when the audience has been converted into a body of white haters while holding onto a victimology that works against respect for the nation and its place in the free and fair world? Farrakhan and Jeremiah Wright are both race baiters of monumental proportions, and Obama sat at their feet for years.
It is now safe to say that Obama never had it in his mind to bring the races together, especially in view of the fact that in so doing, he obviously believes he would be condoning bigotry. There is no question as to the increase in racial tension since Obama's presidency began. It is this increased tension and Obama's willingness to cast the US in the same repressive light as the likes of Iran, Russian, China, or any number of terrorist groups that convinces this editor of the correctness of his [my] opinion. In fact, so antagonistic is Obama, that he told a black audience, just before the 2012 elections, that voting was the best revenge available. And we still have two years of this nothing burger, to go.
Source for Farrakhan quote:
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