Obama's immigration solution via green card expansion is more smoke and mirrors than "fundamental transformation" and here is why:

The Washington Times reportsThe immigration  . . . . . [has] solicited a printer able to handle a “surge” of 9 million green cards “to support possible future immigration-reform initiative requirements.”
In an ordinary year, about 1 million green cards are issued, and over the life of this contract the company is expected to produce up to 34 million cards, a figure representing an increase of the population of the United States by 10 percent.
The cards do not come with automatic voter registration, but that’s obviously [“obvious” according to the Times reporter] what the scheme portends. President Obama’s promised “executive actions” to bring about this enormous wave of amnesty constitute a transparent and cynical ploy to expand the Democratic voter base, creating a permanent majority.

Editor’’s notes:  I think it important to note that the 34 million potential green card estimate,  is not something that will happen entirely on Obama’s watch.  Hillary,  if elected,  no doubt would continue this contract,  but an opposition [conservative] candidate need not admit to an existential or systemic demand for the continuation and could stop further abuse of the “green card” system. 

Point #2:  Establishment Republicans such as Lindsey Graham and the detestable John McCain,  have helped add to the power of the presidency,  over the years.  And,  it is this power or authority to which Obama appeals,  in making this decision.  In other words,  Obama is only doing what he has been allowed to do per previous GOP sponsored legislation.  McCain will stand and whine about this development (Obama’s abuse of the federal green card system) but he is partially responsible for the events of the day, in this regard. 

Point #3:  The reader should note that the initial goal of this green card expansion is “9 million.”  Most observers believe that less than 3 million illegal aliens will sign up for these work permits.  Understand that conservative Patriots are not the only folks who do not trust the Government.  Add to their number,  the “illegals.”  While conservatives have to deal with a Progressive/Marxist inspired, weaponized federal bureaucracy, the typical “illegal” has much the same issue.  And Obama has not helped in the regard.  His record as to deportations over the years,  even if that policy has changed,  works against a heavy participation rate,  should the decision be made to open the system to green card expansion.  The man (Obama) talks out of both sides of his mouth,  often in the same speeches,  and the illegal is as aware of this as anyone. 

Conclusion:  In the end,  we have another typical Obama “solution,”  that is more blow than show.  He has not made any fundamental change to the system;  he has only abused the powers already given to him by a blotted and compromised Establishment Class.  He may increase the participation level within the Hispanic community,  but this action will not actually add to the voter roles of the Democrat Party in any noticeable degree.  

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