If Corporate America does not provide private sector jobs, what good are they? And if you do not work for a corporation or a private sector business owner, where do you go to earn enough money to the pay for the taxes Government levies against you? Where do you go to earn enough money to pay for the highest gas prices on a six year average, in American history? To whom do we turn, to build and/or repair our schools, our infrastructure, our churches and libraries, our government buildings, if not corporations and private sector businesses? And does any believe that Hillary will make this rather stupid statement in a debate, come 2016?
She right, history has proven it.
ReplyDeleteCorporations do an excellent job of creating private sector jobs... in India.
So, the CEOs can make a few extra million.
This is what the GOP stands for:
This is as silly a statement as was your request that we thank Obama for the record high gas prices.
Delete60% of Wall Street CEO's are Progressive Socialist. 90% of all big money driven trial lawyuers are Progressive Socialist as are 90% of Big Banking leadership. Your Big Money national unions are 100% socialist progressive. The teacher unions in our country, more concerned with their own incomes than with the health and welfare of the local governments that support them, are socialist and progressive. 90% of all jobs created in this country come from corporations and private business.
Sadly, my side of the aisle has Perdue while your side has the CEO of General Electric, Obama's Job Czar, who has taken thousands of jobs to China.
One of the most prolific myths of our time, is this fantasy that the Democrat Party is the party of the common man, while it is swimming in Big Money (more so than the GOP) and its legislative agenda has buried the working Middle Class in taxes and regulatory costs. Average wages have gone down under Obama. Poverty levels have increased. More people have given up on ever finding a job with the participation level of ablied bodied Americans wanting to work, at a 34 year low and food stamp enrollments have doubled, all under Obama. Look at what the Utopians have done for the Black constituency . . . . . . .. NOTHING.
The economy is recovering from the Bush years faster than predicted. Most predicted it would take a decade to repair the damage of the Bush years.
DeleteYes, and Obama is popular, Iran becoming a nuclear power is a good idea, record levels of poverty and the lowest participation rate for those wanting to work keys to a vibrant recovery . . . . . and your PhD thesis was what?
DeleteWealth inequality in the US was at its highest levels, historically, in 1928 and 2007, one year before its two biggest financial crises. The richest 85 people in the world have as much wealth as the poorest 3.5 billion – or half the world's entire population – put together. WHat does that tell you about trickle down?
Delete"There has never been any school of economists who believed in a trickle down theory. No such theory can be found in even the most voluminous and learned books on the history of economics. " -Thomas Sowell
Since the end of the recession in 2009, inflation-adjusted spending by the top 5% of U.S. earners has risen 17%, compared with just a 1% average rise for everyone else.
States prove America gained more jobs and grew faster when taxes were higher (even much higher) and income inequality lower. And while the U.S. recovery from the Bush recession remains painfully slow, most economists - including the nonpartisan CBO and some of John McCain's own 2008 advisers - believe President Obama saved us from collapse.
Reagan's top financial advisors, Stockton and Bluestone have admitted trickle down is a FAILURE.
“The wealthiest people spend maybe 30% of their income. Poor people spend 100%, working people spend 98%, so as we move money away from working families towards very wealthy families, we take more and more consumption out of the economy, means slower and slower growth, means higher and higher an extended unemployment.” - Barry Bluestone, Labor Secretary under R.Reagan.
If trickle down includes "working the man," what is the alternative? Please enlighten us. Reagan did not invent "trickle down," and our nation became the strongest nation world history, as a result of trickle down. You talk about "income equality" as if you have not read the papers, lately. Income "equality" is at record highs, in this country . . . . . but what exactly does that mean/ That our working middle class is poor and to be pitied? The poverty level of 22,000 for a family of four in this country puts that family in the top 7% of the world's population. So such a rock on this subject. Our homeless are richer that 80% of the world's population . . . . our homeless. The very poorest of families in America can qualify for $28,000 in federal welfare programs. I do not feel sorry for any of America's poor. It is a myth and a Democrat lie that does not improve, with the passing of time . . . . just another gimmick to win an election. Wouldn't you agree, Mr. One Percenter?
DeleteFacts speak for themselves. Trickle down has failed. Reagan's closest advisors have admitted that. You can support the corporate oligarchy, if that is what makes you feel 'patriotic.' It that what you want to be remember as? A shill for the CEOs, a pawn? Citizens United is a tool for the top 1%. You've been manipulated, successfully. Congratulations. Move along, fall in line... be a good obedient Republican.
DeleteIndeed, facts do speak for themselves. No one here is "supporting" the corporate "oligarchy," unless, of course, it is you. The Democrat Party is swimming in corporate funding, so much so that Elizabeth Warren has been very critical of Obama for his attachment to Wall Street and the Administration's refusal to prosecute any of the big banks involved in the 2008, September collapse. Let's not forget that it was a democrat Party that had the financial overshight of this country, two years running, when the Collapse happen. It was Barney Frank, head of the House Banking Committee, who told us three weeks before the Collapse, that everything was just fine.
DeleteIt is not oligarchy I defend, it is the fact of "trickle down." Whether the Government hands out welfare or the business owner advertises for workers, it all comes from the top down . . . . all of it, and that is your so-called "trickle down." Who do you work for,fellow, or are you still drawing disability while training for your next track competition?
Speaking of "oligarchy," what the hell is one party rule for two freaking years (2009 - 2010) if not an oligarchy? You people are swimming in hypocrisy. And if Citizens United was a Democrat controlled corporation, like so much of Wall Street, we would have heard nothing from your side. It is not "oligarchy" you all hate, it is opposition, free speech, and right to work opportunities.
DeleteThe GOP m.o.:
DeleteIgnore the reality
Deny the truth
Obstruct the evidence
When all else fails, say: "They did it too"
Wow, now you are tearing pages out of your Progress/Alinski handbook and trying to cut and paste into the GOP book of truth.