With 46 days left before the 2014 midterms, the House has gone home

With 46 days before the November 4 midterms,  the House finished its work on Thursday,  and its members went home to campaign.  All 435 members are up for election/reelection every two years. Despite all the blow coming from the likes of Nancy Pelosi,  all forecasts have the House solidly in the hands of the GOP/Conservative side of the aisle and expected to add to its majority by 6 to 12 representatives.  The GOP lead House,  while being accused of a do-nothing agenda,  has,  in fact,  sent more than 267 bills to the Senate,  according to Marsh Blackburn (R-Tenn),  four of them dealing with immigration.  

Harry Reid has sat on all of these bills,  refusing to allow Senate discussion.  Reid heads the slowest Senate in American history and has not allowed a budget to be passed,  in the Senate,  since Obama became our first Novelty President.   In fact,  the last major bill of any consequence was ObamaCare,  signed into law on March 23,  2010  . . . . . .  more than four years ago.  If one wants to add in the Dodd/Frank finance bill of July,  2010,  fine.  The point being,  this bunch of Progressive Democrats has accomplished next to nothing.  In fact,  they do not even try to get things done,  or there would be debate on the Senate floor.  

Hopefully,  the coming election cycle will change all this.  

Townhall lists Obama as the worst of five American presidents. Its comments follow:

1) Barack Obama (D): It's impossible to fully evaluate Barack Obama's presidency because it's not over, but he has already done a devastating amount of damage in a freakishly short period of time. Happily, there's still some hope that the utter destruction of the American health care system that he's trying to implement can be reversed. The socialistic takeovers of whole segments of American industries that began in the final days of the Bush Administration and expanded under Obama can also still hopefully be reversed in the coming years. Additionally, we can still hope against hope that Iran will be stopped from getting nukes, that Obama won't lose the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and that none of his other disastrous policies like Cap and Trade will be passed. (The word “hope” comes up with Obama as often today as it did during his campaign, just in a different context)
However, Obama's massive expansion of spending and government for domestic purposes is not only unique in American history; it came at the worst possible moment. At a time when there were genuine concerns in America and across the world that our country no longer has the intention or even the capability of paying off our debt, Barack Obama massively increased spending under the auspices of fighting a short term recession. In this case, the cure is almost certainly worse than the disease. Could America default on her debts because of what Obama is doing? Absolutely. Could this spending be the reason future generations of Americans aren't as prosperous as their parents? Certainly. Is it possible that we're literally experiencing the turning point that will take America from super power to economic basket case? Yes. This country is now facing its greatest moment of risk since World War II and it’s an entirely self-inflicted wound.
PS: Many conservatives will undoubtedly be asking why Franklin D. Roosevelt isn't on this list. Had the list merely dealt with domestic policy, he would have easily been a contender for the top spot. His awful management of the economy alone, which extended the Depression for years, would merit a top 3 spot. However, FDR's leadership during World War II was so meritorious that it simply could not be overlooked. That being said, FDR is often ranked by historians as one of America's great Presidents. A man whose greatness on the foreign policy front is quite nearly matched by the titanic damage he did to America on the domestic side certainly doesn't deserve that sort of honor.


  1. You just lost KS ... and the Senate. Try to keep up.

    1. If true, you all get to do absolutely nothing for two MORE years. Lets celebrate !!! But, I am not aware that the election has taken place. Why act like a little kid about the opportunity to gridlock this nation for another two years?
