Why leading from behind? Because, our first "mobile" president really does not have the time to assume a presidential role as leader of the free world. He does not have the time . . . . and here is proof of same.

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<<<<  Under Obama,  the desk in the Oval Office is nothing more than a prop.  He simply does not go to the office and work.  (It’s a time management thing). 

As of yesterday, Obama had taken a total of 129 full or partial vacation days compared to Bush's 381. Bush played 24 rounds of golf during his 8 years - Obama, with two years to go, has played 186 rounds of golf or, in terms of vacation time off from work, 90 days of golfing vacation which should be added to the 129, for a vacation total of 219 days. Let’s add to this the 401 fundraisers. Assuming three fundraising per day, we can add another 130 days entertaining the Democrat Party. That brings his vaca and personal time off, to 219 +130 = 349 days . . . . . time spent NOT doing his job. Over the five years and counting, Obama has given more than 3500 speeches and personal appearances, far far more than any three presidents (combined) in American history. If 4 of these events constitutes a “day,” we can add another 900 days (nominally speaking), which brings our time away from the office of the presidency to 1249 days. Finally, lets add in the 1000 WH parties at 4 hours per event or another 500 days of fun and games, for a total of 1749 days/time doing something other than playing president. He has been in office (counting Sundays) a little over 2007 days in the past 5.5 years, which means, of course, that the man has spent less than 250 in the past 5.5 years, of time dedicated to sole work of the presidency.


  1. Smithson's post is built on a fallacy: he assumes every time President Obama plays golf, he takes a day off.


    Bush took more vacation than Obama. Game over.

    1. If Obama can be a mobile president, so, too, can Bush . . . point one. Secondly, I assume it takes 5 hours to play a round of golf. My numerology is sound. Prove any of it wrong. The fact of the matter is this: Obama does not work at being a president. He lets others do that while he is out and about, having fun and dancing the night about, while the world burns.
