Finally, warming scientist agree: warming has stopped beginning in 1999.

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<<<  In the past 40 years,  warming has increased by two-tenths of a degree (C) with a slight downward trend,  in the first 14 years of this century.  The US Weather Bureau on Thursday,  is predicting a colder than normal winter for much of the nation.  This,  in spite of the marked increases in so-called greenhouse gases.   

Following rapid warming in the late 20th century, this century has so far seen surprisingly little increase in the average temperature at the Earth’s surface. At first this was a blip, then a trend, then a puzzle for the climate science community.

More than a dozen theories have now been proposed for the so-called global warming hiatus, ranging from air pollution to volcanoes to sunspots. New research from the University of Washington shows that the heat absent from the surface is plunging deep in the north and south Atlantic Ocean, and is part of a naturally occurring cycle. The study is published Aug. 22 in Science.

Subsurface ocean warming explains why global average air temperatures have flatlined since 1999, despite greenhouse gases trapping more solar heat at the Earth’s surface . . . .   The data show an increase in heat sinking around 1999, when the rapid warming of the 20th century stopped.

You will want to read the full account,  published by the U of Washington,  here.  


  1. This is encouraging. I am enjoying the cooler summer and the more volatile weather that climate change has brought.

    1. Yes ! Of course, you all had to change "global warming" to the redundancy of "climate change." We on the Right side, appreciated the admission/change.

  2. This year is on track to set a temperature record that climate researchers say is unique since the first time stats were taken in 1900.

    A typical year in the U.S. would see near-average temperatures or a spike in either extremely cold or extremely warm temperatures. But this is the first year in which both cold and warm temperatures have ranged far outside the norms, according to the National Climatic Data Center.
    "this is the most unusual year on record" when it comes to that data, Deke Arndt, the NCDC's chief of climate monitoring, told NBC News. "We haven't seen this much extreme warmth entrenched alongside this much extreme cold for this long since at least 1900."

  3. Climate change is what climate does. It is all cyclical and regional. the year is far from over and the stats are not in nor are they official, but they will be what they will be. So what. what is important with the main post is the fact that claim of cooling trends on this blog, based on RSS [satellite] information, is confirmed. More than this, before 1999, \Hysterical Utopian Science made the argument that crisis warming was the result of increasing green house gas. Turns out the increase of those gases and increasing temps (3 10ths of one degree Cel in 60 years) were only coincidental.

  4. You forgot to mention Alinsky in your discussion of climate science.

    1. sorry. He certainly lays the rhetorical foundation for the assault on those who disagree. Thanks for the reminder.
