Darren Wilson deserves a fair trial. Here is how you can help. We are not taking sides except to insist on a fair indictment (if any) and a fair trial (if any).

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Keep in mind that Mike Brown had robbed a service store and assaulted a police officer in the minutes before he was shot.  


  1. you gotta be kidding me. Rush to the side of the white.

    1. You don't believe in a fair trial for Wilson? Good grief. IF Brown punched out the cop, he was deserving of being arrested. If this kid robbed the store, he was deserving of arrest. Here in liberal California, EVERYONE knows, you charge a cop or punch him out, things are not going to go well with you and, for certain, a gun will be in play. The fact of the matter is this: if a cop tells you to do something, you do it or suffer the consequences. If this kid was some righteous, church going young man who did not rob the store or punch out the cop, then the investigation will bring that to light. Otherwise, the officer will not be convicted of anything that ANY OTHER COP IN AMERICA would have done.

    2. #1) the report of a skull fracture was a lie as confirmed by CNN. Did you see the "X-rays" of the so called orbital blowout injury? They were file xrays from the Univ. of Iowa... completely unrelated to the incident but put forward by a conservative blogger as "evidence". The conservative blogger who originated this is James Hoft - who carries the nickname as the "dumbest man on the internet" but that's good enough for conservatives. They'll run to any "evidence" that supports 'the white'.

      #2) Compare the recent shooting in St. Louis of Kjimi Powell and how that was handled compared to Mike Brown.
      - St. Louis Police Chief on the site gave a news conference and fielded questions 90 min after the event
      - St. Louis Police took the bystander video and made it public immediately.
      - St. Louis Police answered questions completely and immediately
      very little protests

      contrast this with the Mike Brown case:
      - Ferguson Police STILL haven't released a police report of the shooting 12 days after the incident - but instead release an unrelated video and report of Mike Brown allegedly committing a theft (in order to smear him)
      -Ferguson Police STILL haven't released the county autopsy report
      -Ferguson Police STILL haven't released the personnel file of the shooter despite requests from the media. The one thing they did release was a video of his commendation for good police work.

      ... And you wonder why the protests ... while the conservative media makes up lies and the whites run to defend the cop?

    3. I made this statement months ago... whenever there is a white vs black incident, members of the Teaparty run to support the white. Thanks for proving me right.

      The cop could have tazed him or shot him in the leg. Little value is put on the life of black kids, especially by teaparty types like Smithson. Small town cops are usually white, fat, less educated and conservative. They are not beyond reproach and they do make mistakes.

    4. "The lie of the blow-out?" What are you talking about? Nothing in the first reports have been confirmed including the lie that Brown was shot in the back. Compare the recent beatings and death to two white students by a mob of blacks, back in July, a report found here: http://www.americanthinker.com/2014/08/beaten_to_death_at_mcdonalds.html

      All that stuff you say hasn't be released? The Grand Jury has all that information and is the only entity that should have these reports. The long and short of this matter has to do with whether or not the black, 18 years old giant, assaulted a cop or not. If he did, the shooting, as sad as was the result, was justified, and would be considered such, here in liberal California . . . . . assuming the kid was not shot AND KILLED from behind. If he was charging the cop, then the shooting of a person who had robbed a store and assaulted a cop, was justified, period.

      The protests? What protests? You mean the looting and criminal violence of the those who came to Ferguson from outside the city and state? Four nights ago, 78 were arrested; one was from Ferguson.

    5. As far as tazing is concerned, after you assault a police officer, the cop can do whatever he so chooses. That is the law. Teaparty types support law and order, not white cops shooting black kids. In 2013, 12 million arrests were made by the police, and only 400 people were shot and most blacks shot by police, were shot by black officers. Teaparty types support law and order whether the police are black or white. Neither Obama or Holder are law and order types. The fact that you blindly follow their lead, is no surprise.

    6. You do not know anything about the teaparty movement . . . . . nothing. Absolutely no one I know wants to own a gun for the purpose of going out and killing blacks. That is an Occupy America lie, designed to stir up resentment with the misinformed and biased of this nation.

      The fact of the matter is this: Wilson deserves a fair trial and the Grand Jury has the information you complain about.

      Unless and until you begin to deal with the points I make in my responses to your drivel, I am not going to post your comments. Your war on whitie is both stupid and intentionally a lie. The white man fought against the Democrat South in the Civil War and without whitie, the blacks would be slaves to this day . . . . . period. The white man supplies 90% of all jobs in this nation and pays more than 80% of all progressive taxes used to fund the takers and needy of this country.

    7. Smithson sees the world as black and white.... mostly black.

    8. This is not about "Smithson." It is about the rule of law and order. and a fair trial for Officer Wilson. I will not allow black jihad to have a home on this blog. No more of this crap.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Replies
    1. Is that why the GOP does everything in it's power to suppress the youth and minority vote?

    2. You have specifics, because I sure don't ?
