The GAO (that's the "gub -nunt") folks, found the possibility of rampant fraud as to approvals for subsidies in ObamaCare to be a very real complication, proving . . . .

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You should know that "GAO " stands for "Government Accountability Office."  I know,  kind of surprising the Feds know how to spell any of those words,  much less fund a federal agency with this title,  but,  nonetheless,  the GAO recently filed 12 applications for subsidies.    The "applicants" were fictionaries.  Nothing on the applications was true inbcluding nationality,  home address, income, the applicant's  the name and Social Security number, and, so on.  Eleven of the 12 applications were approved   . . . . . .  proving that the ObamaCare website is a long way from being "fix," and the notion of systemic security,  embedded in the ObamaCare programming,  remains a fantasy.


  1. Like there is not fraud now? 60 Minutes did a story on disability fraud... an entitlement costing the US $135 billion. As 60 minutes noted... it's a way of life among the white trailer trash of KY and WV.

    1. What in the world does your comment have to do with anything in the main post? And why do you think I will be inclined to argue your point? The fact of the matter is this: you have just proven why "big government" cannot work. Thanks.
