Obama's biggest problem, today, is Obama. The immigration crisis is absolute proof.

WASHINGTON — As Republicans blame President Barack Obama’s executive actions for the crisis along the border, the president assured members of his own party Wednesday that he won’t back down from his plans to ease deportations.

Editor’s notes:  Understand that he has already committed to this slowdown.  In 2008,  8,000 minors were caught crossing the border with 4,000 working through the legal system and sent back. 

In 2013,  20,000 minors came into this country with only 1600 making their way through the system and being sent back. 

In other words,  this should not be “news,”  and it certainly is not news to Obama.  There is simply no way he is this out of touch with reality,  at least,  as relates to the evolving crisis.  “Flooding the system” in the face of a system/legal weakness,  is a trick often used by community organizers and domestic social revolutionaries.  THAT is what is going on. 

Where he fails in this tactic,  however,  is his choice to ignore two important rules for radicals,  as defined by Saul Alinsky.  

The first is rule # 6 which reads:  “A good tactic is one that your people enjoy. If your people are not having a ball doing it,  there is something very wrong with the tactic”  (p. 128 Rules for Radicals – 1989 printing).  Obama simply cannot sustain his radical reform without the will of the people,  especially in a society free to vote he and his Red Loving minions out of office.  In polls take over the past three days,  his approval rating for his handling of this border crisis is down to 28% in one poll and 33% in another  -  both network polling results. 

A second problem as defined by Alinsky is found at rule #12:  “You cannot risk being trapped by the enemy  (that would be conservatives and reasonable Democrats) in his sudden agreement with your demand and saying,  ‘You’re right – we don’t know what to do about this issue.  Now tell us”  (p. 130 , Rules for Radicals)

And the fact of this matter is clear:  Obama has no clue as to how to solve this problem.  Understand that the current migration is not the problem.  Rather,  the unsustainable issue is the notion of “open borders,”  itself. 

Obama's pledge to stand his ground is nothing short of a declaration of domestic suicide.  Already,  communities are having to move budgeted funds away from local,  domestic needs like education,  fire and police protection and the care of their indigent populations,  and redirecting those funds to the care of unwanted populations being forced up them by Obama.  

Sadly,  conservatives can thank Obama for his rank stupidity in this.  Obviously,  he is not the student of Alinsky,  many of us thought him to be.    Rather,  his arrogant dismissal as to “proven” revolutionary tactics may well prove to be his final demise. 

Thank gawd he is not an intelligent organizer.   


  1. What do you think the qualifications should be for someone to immigrate?

    1. The same as the 900,000 per year, coming in from Europe, Asia and Canada, who follow existing immigration law. The process for citizenship is too slow, in my opinion, but we already have "comprehensive immigration law."
