Only 35% of the nation believe Obama has made this country stronger; 84% believe giving away the Taliban Five was a bad idea (no article).

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  1. Did you ever think that there may be things you or the public don't know about this? Of course not.

    In your science denying brain did it ever occur to you that these terrorists maybe have been tagged or injected with a micro chip so they could be tracked and taken out with drones if they cause trouble to the US? Kerry hinted at that today .... of course ankle-biter hypocrite Smithson wouldn't consider that.

  2. Laughable, but let's allow this fantasy, for the sake of argument. The problem with the release of the Taliban Five is found in the "PR" advantage, given to the terrorist community. You actually believe this hostage trade, the first in American history, is not the biggest news in the Middle East, and a huge plus for the recruitment of future terrorists? Do you pretend that these five will not join the fight against the US, Israel, women, and innocent young boys? Do you actually believe this was the only deal we could have made, in view of the fact that the Hagganis network wanted money instead of hostages . . . . and who is to say they didn't get millions, in this trade. Obama refuses to tell Congress the details of this trade; has to be a reason why.

    You are an intelligent Dreamer. Surely you can see and admit to all this, no?
