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McCarthy-ism*: In the past,
I have written of my opinion that Sen. Joe McCarthy, back in the 1950’s, was right.
Indeed, back then, the communist
movement within our nation, was alive
and well. Of course, McCarthy was an admitted drunk. Of course,
he went about his investigation,
poorly and ill-advised. But, and I must write “Of course,” Joe McCarthy was absolutely right, as to the growing influence of Communism in
high places and political office(s).
Finally, after all these years
(since 1952), under Obama, known Communist sympathizers and
members, are a part of his
Administration. To name two well known
members, we have Anita Dunn, Obama’s first
And today, we have this news clip, confirming Communism's growing influence within the Democrat Party's Left Wing radicals (you know them as "Progressives"): (May 21, 2014) Democratic Florida Rep. Joe Garcia — fresh off being caught eating his own earwax on camera — was caught red-handed (or is it yellow-fingered?) in another gaffe this week, claiming that low crime rates in border cities with lots of federal immigration workers is proof that “Communism works.”
This statement is being depicted as a "gaffe," but, of course, you and I know no one who would make such a "gaffe," and, the fact that this is a first in Florida State politics makes this ill-advised rhetoric less a gaffe and more a declaration of party politics and personal allegiance. The event would be fairly innocuous if not for current Democrat Party politics and the backdrop it provides in terms of context, for such a statement. Besides those named in the above, we can add nearly all the names of the Congressional Black Caucus, who have gone on record, praising the likes of the dead, Hugo Chavez, and the never-dead, Fidel Castro.
Ask yourselves this question: What is the impact of Obama's alliances with "Marxist professors," his press secretary's praise and search for direction from Moa, his Green Czar's 10 year membership with the Communist party, a membership "rejected" when he decided to move into national politics, and the adoration of the 40 member Congressional Black Caucus?
Answer: Whatever the case, the fact of the matter is this -- Communism is an attack on personal freedoms, property rights, free speech and private gun ownership (and more) and it is alive and well, within our very presidency.
* Mc·Car·thy·ism
1. a vociferous campaign against alleged communists in the US government and other institutions carried out under Senator Joseph McCarthy in the period 1950–54. Many of the accused were blacklisted or lost their jobs, although most did not in fact belong to the Communist Party.
Dunn talking
about those to whom she turns to "most,"
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ReplyDeleteUse of "teabaggers," is not allowed on this blog . . . . . period. You are given a platform, here, at Midknight Review. Want to continue that relationship and rhetorical opportunity? Then shut your pie-hole when using such filth. It is your side of the aisle that favors the practice defined in that word. So, use it on your own or get lost.
ReplyDeleteSecondly, while some candidates did not survive, the Conservative Movement that is borne of "teaparty" perspectives, is alive and well AND growing. The GOP is far more conservative, today, across the board, than it was in 2008. You and your Marxist Misfitted buds, don't get it. The teaparty was never about a (third) political party, but about a movement designed to recapture conservative truth and make it central to GOP party politics. Yesterday proved that that goal has and is being fulfilled.
You can blow all you want, but in 5 short months, you are about to see just how strong teaparty OPINION is.
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ReplyDeleteThe next violation of the teabagger rule means you are gone, moron. Knock it off. Give me your address and I will gladly tell you to your face. Looking forward to the next time.
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ReplyDeleteYou are done. Preferring to call names to stating your position on various issues shows just how childish you are. A typical millennial with no regard for rules and little enough intelligence to state your cause effectively. Now that I stop to think about it, I see why you prefer name calling to reasoned discussion. When it comes to the latter, you are in way over your head. See ya.
ReplyDeleteI was just curious if anyone has read the book Witness, by Whitaker Chambers, I believe he warned about the likelihood of this happening? I am very concerned about this threat after reviewing the literature. I also wonder what connection, if any Obama has to Soviet Union, I have read some troubling information regarding the relationship between putin and obama, and they are closer then the media seems to suggest. Any thoughts?
ReplyDeleteI intend to read this book. Thanks for the reminder. I would argue that if there is a relationship between the two, it is based on deceit . . . . "no honor among theives" would be the mentality in this case. I do know that while Obama was in flight to Europe, a first trip after ascending to the Throne, Putin was emailing GW Bush, congratulating him on his birthday, and expressing respect to Bush as past-president of the US . . . again, doing this while Obama was in-flight, an obvious and deliberate insult to Obama. I do not dismiss your curiosity, however. I mean, we do have Obama whispering to his Russian counterpart, "I will be more flexible after the (2012) election." If there is a "relationship" of sorts, I am thinking it is much more a fantasy in the mind of Obama than in Putin, except as Putin might be able to use this fantasy to his purposes.