Unemployment numbers for March - Same O' same O'. But who cares about jobs, right? Wall Street is doing just fine, so all must be well. And if you believe that, you also believe that Russia is our friend and the Chinese will never raise their interest rates to the U. S.

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The unemployment rate for March of 2014,  using different base numbers than was the case back in the beginning of 2009 and the Obama presidency,  remained at 6.7%,  the same as February.

Update:  men and women rates,  in general (meaning "mostly white" male and female) stand at 6.2% for both categories.  What is driving the unemployment rate upward is the 20.9% rate for teenagers, the 7.9% for Hispanics (all categories) and the 12.4% black unemployment totals.

Generally speaking,  whites are better educated than most minority populations,  a result of availability to early-year schooling,  better financed elementary, middle and high school districts,   lower poverty levels and an existential circumstance (rightly or wrongly provided) that has given them opportunities borne of a cultural "inheritance" that has benefited whites more than some of the other ethnicity's.  This does not mean whites are "evil," only that they have been benefited as to the systemics of our culture.  The imbalance is critical.  We conservatives argue that the Constitution does not guarantee outcomes,  only opportunities.  True,  but even the "opportunities" for upward mobility are out of sync,  for the reasons stated.

We ALL need to share in the solution to this problem, if,  for no other reason,  for the most selfish of reasons.  Understand,  that if  "we" do not qualify our ethnic  and/or "disadvantaged" workforce,  they will have no choice but to add themselves to the welfare roles and live off the work ethic of the larger population.    Again I say,  THEY WILL HAVE NO CHOICE.

In the case of minority qualifications for the future,  the Left has Left Behind its faithful in the minority population.  The Dems have been putting forth empty and unfulfilled promises for decades.     If the GOP,  or the Dems, for that matter,  want to stay "in power,"  sooner or later,  this workforce problem needs to be effectively addressed.

Education in this country,  is "free" to all, at the grade school and secondary levels.  It, also,  needs to be fairly and equally supplied.  Currently,  that is not the case. ~ editor.

More than 11 million folks have quit the workforce representing a workforce participation rate of just 63.2%, the lowest such number in four decades.  Of the 11 million folks no longer being counted in "workforce numbers,"  a huge number (well over 60% of the total 11 million) have either retired or have gone after disability benefits),  2.2 million (those "marginally attached to the workforce but no longer being counted)  are healthy,  living with family and friends, drawing what welfare benefits are available,  and the remaining 2.5 to 3 million have actually moved into the underground labor force,  no longer reporting income,  paying taxes or seeking benefits.

Understand that of the 11 million no longer being counted in the unemployment reporting,  more than 5 million are of working age and potentially able to hold down a job.

When we add these people back into the available workforce,  the "U6" unemployment rate is 12.7%.  Rather than thinking of 6.7% as being a percentage of the able bodied,  unemployed,  the truth of the matter is this,  the actual number,  the real unemployment rate,  is this 12.7% statistic.

Nancy Pelois,  the perennial "blond," within the Democrat Party,  released a statement  arguing that "the economy is headed in the right direction," as she camps on the 190,000 jobs "created" last month.  Of course,  her comments and the framing of an "improving economy,"  has a hollow sound, after five stinking years, of this "jobless recovery."

This blog and this editor (that would be me),  do not believe a recovery is based on jobless statistics.  Has the banking/investment community seen a resurgence?  Of course,  and how has that benefited you,  if the most important issue in your life is a job?

It is the Left that hates "profit" and "Big Money,"  except,  of course,  when it benefits them politically.  Be that as it may,  the jobs picture in this country,  is at a stand-still.  And that has been the case,  for so long a time  --  the longest "jobs recovery" in American history including the after-years of the Great Depression  --  that more and more folks are realizing a systemic problem is at play,  here.

Could it be that the Conservatives have been right,  all along?  That increases taxes across the board,  increasing healthcare costs,  issuing more than 20,000 regulations in five years . . . . .  could it be that these realities are stifling the drive to put America at work?

  1. Employment Situation Summary - Bureau of Labor Statistics


    U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
    Report released Friday,  April 4, 2014 for March.  --  the PDF record

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