Tennessee is refusing to allow UN oversight of its elections without a treaty with the US dictating otherwise.

(KNOX NEWS)The Senate has sent to Gov. Bill Haslam legislation that, if he signs its, would declare that the United Nations is banned from monitoring elections in Tennessee.  
On the Senate floor Tuesday, sponsor Sen. Frank Niceley, R-Strawberry Plains, merely declared that “this is a one-sentence bill.” Then he read the sentence:
“ Any representative of the United Nations appearing without a treaty ratified by the United States senate stating that the United Nations can monitor elections in this state, shall not monitor elections in this state.” 

Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2014/04/state-votes-to-block-u-n-oversight-of-elections/#vuhYtBw0EU1cZdfd.99

 Editor's notes:  have we gotten to the point that One Worlder's now claim innately sanctioned sovereignty over individual states and nations - all without treaty agreements?  


  1. TN is about as backward a place that there is. Why? It's controlled by ignorant stupid republicans. They just passed a open gun carry law where people are no longer required to have a permit, and they passed a bill last week that, if approved, would ban mass transit projects in the region, an effort that’s gotten help in the state from the Koch bros. The Tennessee branch of Americans For Prosperity (AFP) — funded by Koch — has been working with lawmakers opposed to mass transit projects in the state.

    Nashville has horrible traffic, but having trains like civilized European countries might make transportation more efficient and safer ... and cut into the profits of the Kochs.

    How's that for regressive? Your kinda place Smithson!

  2. Seriously, you think it is fine for the United Nations to run this country, with or without so much as a treaty? Is that what you believe? See if you can form the words "Yes" or "no" as your answer. I know you probably think "yes" is three syllables and "no" is two, but each is really, a simply word. Give it a shot: "yes" or "no."

  3. What is it about world peace and cooperation that is so bad and disturbing to you? Do you have an intrinsic need to feel superior, are you that bigoted against non-Americans? We already know that you believe your religion is 'the only true' religion. Is that your basic problem? Or is it greed? Or fear?

    Probably all of the above.

  4. Funny, you believe your religion is the only true "religion," also. Atheism IS a religion. Do you know how many countries are members of the United Nations? And, exactly how has that brought world peace? Good grief, you don't read the papers?? It is not bigoted to believe in the existential exceptionalism of America. You don't agree - and look how much better things are, today, than before your hero came into office.
