So, why doesn't the Chinese Military shoot all these people and be done with it? A time is coming, in America, when Christians will have to stand up for their beliefs, as well.

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Christians form human shield around church in 'China's Jerusalem' after demolition threat
Christians have flocked to defend a church in eastern China after Communist Party officials claimed it was an "illegal construction" and announced plans to demolish it

Thousands of Chinese Christians have mounted an extraordinary defence of a church in a city known as the 'Jerusalem of the East'  
By Tom Phillips, Wenzhou
9:25PM BST 04 Apr 2014 From the UK's Telegraph:

Thousands of Chinese Christians have mounted an extraordinary, round-the-clock defence [sic]of a church in a city known as the 'Jerusalem of the East' after Communist Party officials threatened to bulldoze their place of worship.

In an episode that underlines the fierce and long-standing friction between China's officially atheist Communist Party and its rapidly growing Christian congregation, Bible-carrying believers this week flocked to the Sanjiang church in Wenzhou hoping to protect it from the bulldozers.

Their 24-hour guard began earlier this week when a demolition notice was plastered onto the newly-constructed church which worshippers say cost around 30 million yuan (£2.91 million) and almost six years to build.
Officials claimed the church had been built illegally and used red paint to daub the words: "Demolish" and "Illegal construction" onto its towering facade.

The threat triggered a furious reaction in Wenzhou, a booming port city known for its vibrant Christian community, said to be China's largest. . . . . 

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