As I write, the Markets are down 121 points after hearing the best weekly jobs report in 7 years - proving that the Market is not a window into the Blue Collar economic picture (no article - just this astute observation).


  1. In whose delusional mind is democracy made better by allowing wealthy people to control more of it?
    = Citizens United

  2. In whose mind is "democracy" a reality when you exclude part of its population? If we, as a society, are going to order Citizens United in its business dealings via regulations, taxation, and federal agency harassment, we owe them a voice in the national politic. Apparently tyranny is fine with you, as long as you can demonize those whom you intend to violate.

  3. Besides, Slick, before the Obama Nation came along, ours was one of the most prosperous and free democratic society in the world.

  4. Yea, until Bush ruined the economy, and let in 10s of millions of illegals. You will always be a shill for the top 1% only because you erroneously believe they serve your interests. Here is Smithson and who he supports explained perfectly...
