A Democrat who voted against ObamaCare in 2010, tells his base, "The worst is yet to come."

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The congressman's declaration is no surprise,  but the fact a Democrat is making this prediction,  is a [mild] surprise.  Obama is going to cut Medicare Advantage,  just not this year.  He IS going to tax union insurance,  adding 40% to union worker monthly premiums plus the increasing premiums,  themselves.  Premiums will increase,  substantially,  and forever.  No private sector jobs have been created   . . . .  it is all about growing government and societal dependency.  We might be able to prevent the Socialist/Marxist takeover of this nation,  but we can insure that it not an anti-capitalist outcome.  We can protect individual rights.  We can protect private property ownership.  We can westernize Marixism,  and the why  . . . .  the Dems have no clue how to change the world without writing chaos and ineptness into their legislation.  50 years as  functioning adult,  has given me this insight.


  1. There are a wide variety of counts when it comes to determining just how many uninsured Americans have been able to get coverage, but all of the reports have something important in common: they all show the rate of the uninsured going down, not up. We can discuss exactly how many, whether that’s in line with expectations, whether that’s enough to sustain the larger system, and why progress is happening faster in blue states than red states.

    But to argue that the number of uninsured people is climbing is comparable to arguing that the federal budget deficit is getting larger; the planet is experiencing global cooling; and Obama has pushed use of executive orders to new heights.

    Oh wait, conservative Republicans believe all of those bogus claims, too.

    Much of the Republican establishment quickly embraced the “cooking the books” conspiracy theory, which was soon after followed by the Census Bureau conspiracy theory.

    The right doesn’t bother with evidence to bolster any of this – evidence is irrelevant. Denial isn’t about rationality; it’s about reflexively making one feel better about a reality that’s causing them pain.

    That said, GOP officials aren’t just embracing denial, they’re swimming in it in the most self-indulgent fashion possible. Republicans almost seem to be enjoying their distaste for health care reality, seemingly eager to one up their far-right colleagues. Not a day goes by without some prominent Republican politician or pundit insisting that the enrollment numbers are phony, that more people are losing insurance than gaining it, etc.. I know that’s what the base believes, because it’s what they hear from Rush and Fox. Is the whole party so insecure, so unable to handle the truth, that it automatically shoots anyone bearing the truth... which is bad news for them?

  2. You argue that the numbers of uninsured is going down. Really? You are bragging about a decreasing rate, when the law FORCES compliance. OF COURSE THE NUMBERS OF UNINSURED are going down. If they don't buy into ObamaCare, they are fined. But what are those numbers. 48 million before ObamaCare, 45.5 million uninsured, after ObamaCare . . . . and the promise was not for a reduced rate of the uninsured. It was that 30 million uninsured would be covered. Laughably wrong.

    Federal debt: 2013's debt was a little over 900 billion (almost a trillion NOT INCLUDING INTEREST),, and this year, we are looking at about 900 billion deficit year. Under Bush, that deficit average $400 billion per year. When Obama promised to cut the deficit in half, he was talking about cutting the Bush deficit. Again, laughably wrong.

    8 million enrolled in ObamaCare: if this was true, there would be no need for all those one and two postponements for the several mandates, would there? Beginning with Jan of 2013, insurance rates are, again, on the rise, and 2014 -2015 will see insurance rates increas by 11%, the highest rate increases in history. How many of the 8 million have actually paid their first premiums? YOU DON'T KNOW. How many have paid their 2nd month's bill? YOU DON'T KNOW. How many have paid their 3rd month payment? YOU DON'T KNOW. How many uninsured have signed up without the benefit of subsidies? Try 80%. How many 18 - 34 have signed up? 28% percent. The Administration needs 40%.

    Global warming: there has not been global warming as a world wide average, for 20 years.

    Your "science" has given us 9 planets circling the Sun, when, in fact, there are only 8. Your science tells us a man can say he is a woman, and, BAM, he is a woman. Your science told us we were all going to freeze to death with its 1970 rhetoric of fear. Your science told us that New York would be under 20 feet of water by. 2015. Your science told us that more than 2 eggs per week, was extremely harmful. Your science told us that world wide famine would kill 5 billion people by 1985. Your science wanted to paint all the highways in the nation white, to reflect heat and add to our energy supply. Your science told us we would have 1 million electric cars on the road by 2015 (an Obama promise, btw) . . . try less than 100,000 cars, with lots of problems as to dependability and travel range.
