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Editor's notes: Of the 6 million folks
claimed as ObamaCare enrollees, no more than 2 million did not have insurance
coverage before the sign-ups. The enrollee goal was "6 to 7 million first time insured." How many will continue to pay for their policies throughout the year?
How many of the 6 million are really Medicaid recipients? How many
of the enrollees have actually made a premium payment, a critical
question in view of the fact that the "back half" of the
ObamaCare has not been completed -- the part that sends billing
information to the various insurance carriers. These questions and more,
will remain unanswered for as long as the Administration can keep its
secrets . . . . . a sure sign of subterfuge and outright lying.
the folks in charge of the website, are, also, in
charge of our foreign policy. What a bunch of morons . . . . . . .
. . . . at every level.
3/31/2014 @ 12:28PM
RAND: Only One-Third Of Obamacare Exchange
Sign-Ups Were From The Previously Uninsured
Roy, Forbes Staff

The RAND study hasn’t yet been published, but its contents
were made available to Noam
Levey of theLos Angeles Times. RAND also estimates that 9 million
individuals have purchased health plans directly from insurers, outside of the
exchanges, but that “the vast majority of these people were previously
The RAND report appears to corroborate the work of other surveys.
Earlier this month, McKinsey
reported that 27 percent of those signing up for coverage on the individual
market were previously uninsured . . . . . go to Forbes, here, for the rest of the story.
The dishonesty is pathetic. Amazing that so many sheep are led by such a bunch of deliberate and malicious liars. Speaks to the level of their intellect. What do you suppose the motivation is for these liars?
Kinsey and Rand are Left leaning companies as is Forbes. Address your complaint to them while you are busy reading/listening to the morons at MSNBC. Apparently, you are one of a few who still go to that network for your "news." Level of intellect? Indeed. Most revealing.
ReplyDeleteLevel of intellect? Maddow, DOCTORATE from OXFORD, Rhodes Scholar....
ReplyDeleteLimbaugh - Drug ADDICT - College DROPOUT. Glenn Beck - Smoked pot everyday (his own admission) for 15+ yrs - College DROPOUT - Yea, that's YOUR speed, not mine.
And more of your phoney "victims" revealed.
Maddow is single-handedly ruin MSNBC. Her PhD was in Philosophy, one of the least qualified of all PhD programs. So much for her applied intelligence. Obama was a cocaine addict for at least three years (his admission) and may still be a user. Al Gore was a seminary drop-out. Ed Shultz, a small college football player, finished college without a degree. He is the creator of "The Ed Show." In days gone by, "The Ed Show" was about a talking horse. Kieth Olbermann was a prize at MSNBC for several years - with a B.S. degree in communication (emphasis on BS).
ReplyDeleteFox News: Jamie Colby has a JD degree and started college when she was 14 years old; Megyn Kelly has a JD degree and was associate editor of the Albany Law Review; Jenna Lee was a double major in college and holds a MS degree in journalism; Dana Perino holds BA and Masters degrees; Harris Faulkner, a BA in mass communication and top of her class, is the only Black woman on cable news serving as sole host for her time slots as a news anchor; Elizabeth MacDonald, BA with honors, has won 14 journalist awards, over the years, including the very prestigious Gerald Loeb award for Excellence and an award from the Society Of Professional Journalist for Excellence; Greta van Susteren holds a JD from Georgetown and an honorary law degree from Stetson Law School; Kimberly Ann Guilfoyle holds a JD degree from the law school at the University of San Francisco, after graduating Magna Cum Loude from the University of Davis; Tracy Byrnes holds a MBA from the Rudgers and several awards for excellence in broadcasting; Nina Easton was named a Goldsmith Fellow at Harvard University's Joan Shorenstein Center on the Press, Politics and Public Policy and "fellow" at Harvard's Institute of Politics.
I could go on, but suffice it to say that no cable news network employ's as many well qualified associates, academically as well as with real world experience away from Fox, as FoxNew.com . . . . . . part of the reason Fox has nearly 7 times the followers than at MSNBC, where Maddow is the Big Dog when it comes to policy management.
Wrong again... Maddow's DOCTORATE is in Political Science. Bachmann has a JD and she's a certified MORON, creationist. Masters degree from Oral Roberts means shit. Doctorate from Oxford is a different class.