The second in our series on "What Obama Supporters Really Think of ObamaCare." This comes from the pages of the Washington Post.

Ed Rogers writes:  It’s been a bad week for Obamacare.  Incredibly, the White House has had to grant yet another delay in the employer mandate. This time, employers with between 50 to 99 employees who don’t already offer health insurance to their employees have until 2016 to comply with the shifting Obamacare requirements.  This latest delay represents another political calculation by the White House.  They are counting on the fact that the criticism they will face now for bungling incompetence and disregarding their own law is less than the criticism they would receive for damaging American business closer to the elections.

And the fine print of the latest announcement from the Administration is worse than the terrible headlines. This rule includes a provision that says you have to have the right motives for having a certain number of employees to be in compliance with Obamacare. Bear with me, that’s right: You must certify to the IRS – under the threat of perjury – that the reasons for your employee head count have nothing to do with your opposition to or avoidance of Obamacare. This president doesn’t just selectively enforce the law as he sees fit; now he is actually inventing new crimes . . . . . . .  I can’t wait to see the video of the first Democrat who tries to defend this new threat of prosecution within Obamacare.  . . . . . .    It’s completely indefensible.

This comes immediately on the heels of another body blow to Obamacare; specifically,the CBO announced that under Obamacare, the projection of hours worked will represent “a decline in the number of full-time-equivalent workers of about 2.0 million in 2017, rising to about 2.5 million in 2024.”  

While this statement got all the attention from the press, another stunning revelation in the CBO report is that in the decade after implementation, there will be still be roughly 31 million uninsured Americans under Obamacare.  . . . . . .   the president can amend the law, ignore the law and now even create new ways to prosecute you if you try to avoid its burdens, and the Democrats all fall in line. . . . . . .   If it were nine days instead of nine months before the next election, maybe they could pull it off.  But Obamacare is failing in its original purpose of providing insurance for the uninsured, it unnecessarily burdens American families and businesses, and now the White House has opened the door to prosecuting those they deem to be insufficiently committed to Obamacare. When will the nightmare end? . . . . . . . . . . . .   Read the full article in the Washington Post,  here.  

Editor's notes:  Understand that Rogers is a Republican writer who has written op-eds for the Post for years.  His article would not be allowed onto the pages of the Post,  if the editor's of that news source,  felt his opinions were both inaccurate and harmful.  Indeed,  this article appears in the Post,  precisely because of its content.  

Here is a typical Democrat response,  addressed by readers of the Post:  

Why does it feel Barack and Nancy will take us all down before they admit they screwed it up for everyone (except those wanting free coverage)?

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