Liberal "thought" defeated; 50 Liberal Claims Destroyed in 15 minutes or less.

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<<<  Citizen Journalist,  J David Smithson,  matches wits with his Marxist detractors.  His concluding comment:  "It was easy."  

50 Liberal Claims Destroyed in 15 minutes or less.  

Updated notes to a 50 point list that is being circulated by Libs.  The strategy is to overwhelm the opposition with lies and misinformation  . . . .  ain't going to happen here.  Hopefully,  my notes are better written than the grade school Marxist who originally authored this list.

1. You are OUTRAGED at how Obama has shredded the Constitution but can’t name any rights you’ve lost since January 20, 2009. [My blog was shutdown on Dec 24,2009, three hours after writing an expose' on Obama's abuse of GSE funds.]

2. You think record breaking cold weather in the middle of winter disproves “Global Warming.” [Do you know just how stupid sound at this point?] 

3. You think record breaking cold weather in the middle of winter disproves “Global Warming” but record breaking heat waves in the summer are just a fluke. [Actually, your two examples are called "winter" and "summer" in my home.]

4. You hate Obama for the almost 1700 American lives lost in Afghanistan under his watch but have no idea how many died in Iraq before he took office (Hint: more than 4000). [And you don't get it that Bush got his info on WMD's from Bill Clinton and his CIA director. "Regime change" was a Clinton plan and all of "9/11" was planned on Bill's watch. And, exactly what has been accomplished in Afghanistan? Please don't tell me all those 2,000 lives lost, in that war, is justified by the killing of bin Laden.] 

5. You call Afghanistan “Obama’s War” but ignore the entire first eight years of it. [We won the Iraqi war. Obama vacated the "status of forces" treatise and, today, the nation is as bad off as before the war. Thanks to Obama for wasting those 4,000 lives lost during the war.]

6. You think there’s no way Chris Christie knew about the scandal unfolding in his own office but Obama clearly knew what a small IRS office in Cincinnati was up to. [Chris Christie? IT WAS A TRAFFIC "SCANDAL," fella, not a violation of our free speech rights.]

7. You think 4 Americans dying in Benghazi is “the worst tragedy since 9/11.“ [I think it a disgrace that Obama went to bed, that night, while two of the four men were on the phone, screaming for help for hours before they died.] 

8. You denounce Bill Clinton as an adulterer but give a pass to David Vitter and Mark Sanford because they apologized. [Now, you are just making up stuff.]

9. You are both convinced Obama is a secret Muslim and still go into a frenzy when someone mention Rev. Jeremiah Wright. [Wright is a hate-race monger who mentored Obama and Michelle for 22 stinking years and thinks Louis Farrahkan is great.      Obama is strangely sympathetic to Islam. A Muslim? Not at all, but an existential atheist who sees great value in radicalize Islam? Absolutely]

10. You really do think Obama is a secret Muslim terrorist that drinks beer, eats pork, attended church for years (ARRRGH! Rev. Jeremiah Wright!), had his daughters baptized, had bin Laden killed and has had more terrorist leaders assassinated than every president before him combined. [Bush killed 40,000 terrorists, in Iraq. Obama is still pretending that he defeated al Qaeda rather than admit that he lost the Afghan War, big time.]

11. You think bin Laden was responsible for 9/11 because he ordered the attack but Obama gets no credit for bin Laden’s death because he only ordered the attack. [Most conservatives I know, credit Obama for the Osama killing AND the deaths of 17 Navy Seal Team Six members, 12 weeks after Biden told the world who killed Osama.]

12. You swear that Obama is coming for your guns.  [Indeed. He and Hillary and all you Marxist peace-nixs]

13. You’ve been swearing that Obama is coming for your guns since before he was elected. [So ?]

14. You swear that Obama has actually reduced your right to own guns but you can’t explain how. [Before Obama, I did not own a gun. Today, I own four, all because he has failed to do what he wants to do and buying guns and ammo is some states IS almost impossible.]

15. You have ever used the phrase: Obama’s Katrina to describe something that was not the bungled response to a major natural disaster. [Obama's "Katrina" is what he is doing to the Democrat Party. I think its funny.]

16. You’re positive Obama isn’t a true Christian but then got mad he had too many Christmas trees (no, seriously, that was a thing).   [Obama ordered the symbolic name for "Jesus" covered before giving a speech at Georgetown U. No Christian would do such a thing.  Besides,  you think ordering a large number of Christmas trees proves he is a Christian???  Good grief.]

17. You think Muslims are terrorists and religious fanatics but think protecting gay kids from bullies is an attack on your religious beliefs. [Again, you are making up stuff.] 

18. You constantly complain the liberal media takes things out of context but you’re deeply offended that Obama said “You didn’t build that.” [Yes I am.]

19. You think that ACORN stole the 2008 election. Maybe the 2012 one as well. [I think Establishment GOP campaign strategies lost both elections, that and a Marxist oriented media.]

20. You think “voter fraud” is an actual problem but can’t explain how cutting early voting stops it. [Early voting is a mail-in vote and, in California, is counted by SEIU members. 'Nough said.]

21. In 2009, cutting the $1.4 trillion deficit in half was the most important thing in the world but in 2014, you could care less about how much the deficit was cut (Hint: in half). [It was Obama's previous "budget" that was cut. He cut HIS OWN OUTRAGEOUS SPENDING IN HALF.   Bush's annual deficits averaged less than $440 million. When Obama made his promise, it was the Bush budget he promised to cut in half. That would get the deficit down to $220 million per year. So how is he doing on that score, dude?]

22. You hate Obama for not having served a day in the military but voted for Mitt Romney. [There is a huge difference between hating the man and hating his politics . . . . and yours, apparently.]

23. You think Obama is the laziest president ever for taking so many vacation days but “forget” that it’s less than a third of his predecessor. [Well,  to date,  his revolutionary wife has taken 5 multi-week vacations PER YEAR for a total of 25.  Obama just golfed his 161st round of golf.  That's four working months of playing games.  He averages nearly 800 personal and fund raising appearances, per year.  If each takes 3 hours including speech prep,  presentation and travel to and from,  you are looking at  300 days per year,  just talking.]   
23a. Never mind how many days he took, the president shouldn’t take vacations during a time of  crisis!  [Unless I missed something,  everything he deals with is a "crisis."]
23b. Never mind that Bush took vacations during two wars and a recession! Obama is   spending tax payer money to loaf about!   [Actually  . .  .  ah  . . . . .  I guess you're right !!] 
23c. I said WHO CARES that Bush took more than three times as much vacation time? It  only counts when the black guy takes a vacation!  [Obama spends 9 months of time,  per year, in prep, presentation, and, traveling to and from speeches and personal appearances.  No president in history has a travel/speech record half his total.  Conclusion:  the man is lazy.]

24. You think Obama embarrassed America by bowing to other heads of state but forgot about Bush kissing a Saudi King.  [“Leading from behind” is as embarrassing a statement as it is idiotic;  that is what is most disgusting with the Obama foreign policy.]

25. You think Obama is terrible for the economy while the stock market continues to hit all time highs.  [You do know that the market is thriving because of the quantitative policies of the Fed,  right?    You forget that you liberals have won all modern day elections by preaching hate for Wall Street and the rich.  So now, you all are in love with the Street for making all that money and "unfairly" becoming rich and/or richer?  Get back to me when you all figure out what you actually believe.]

26. You think the stock market hitting all times highs doesn’t mean the economy is improving but you still believe in Trickle Down Economics.  [And you believe in “trickle up” economics.  There is no opportunity for upward mobility in a nationalized welfare program.  Surely you know there are two and only two economies in this world,  for the common man:  one is capitalism in some form and the other is government controlled  welfare, in some form.  Some people need welfare,  but most people need to work. ]

27. You claim you don’t believe in Trickle Down Economics but insist that increasing taxes on the rich will hurt the economy.   [I believe in “trickle down,” and,  “yes,” corporate taxes hurt us all.  Taxing the rich is not the issue, here,  rather taxing job creating corporations.]

28. You’re outraged OUTRAGED at Obama for not unilaterally launching a full scale war on Iran but call him a warmonger for joining an international coalition to stop a massacre in Libya.  [“full scale war on Iran . . . .???”  What in the world are you talking about.?  Obama has already decided that Iran has the right to develop nuclear energy and has done NOTHING to stop their nuclear power grab. ]
29. You think Obama is “dumb.”  [He has never written a peer-reviewed paper as a “Constitutional scholar.”  We do not have any of his recorded lectures,  although he taught “summer school” at Columbia,  for 12 years, and,  he speaks on an 8th grade level,  the second lowest rhetorical presentation in American history.    No,  I don’t think he is dumb,  but I do think he acts stupidly and thinks and acts as very intelligent 8th grader.  ]
30. You really think a Harvard graduate is “dumb.”   [Harvard is not the problem but many of the professorship there,  is  . . . .  Marxism is always wrong.]

31. You really seriously think a Harvard graduate and a former president of the Harvard Law Review is “dumb.”  [Ted Cruz and Bush both attended Harvard, so,  “no,”  Harvard grads are not dumb.]

32. You think Obama hates white people which would include his white mother and the white grandparents that raised him to be President of the United States.  [And how much time has Obama spent with his family,  black or white, over the years.  Answer:  zero , and,  I am not talking about his "immediate" family,  of course.]

33. You think Obama is a criminal mastermind that has broken dozens of laws involving thousands of government workers but no one can actually prove anything.  [Of course we can,  but if the man hides his emails,  claims executive privilege,  simply refuses to comply with subpoenas,  orders his DOJ to avoid a special prosecutor, well,  how do you fight that?] 

34. You think Obama is an absolute idiot who has broken dozens of laws involving thousands of government workers but no one can actually prove anything.  [Now,  you are studdering.]

35. You think Climate Change is a vast liberal conspiracy to destroy Capitalism.  [Of course it is,  and those who are driving this idiocy are all outspoken anti-capitalists.]

36. You claim evolution is a liberal hoax but still take your kids of their yearly flu shot.  [And you think the two matters are related ?????] 

37. You claim science is just a religion but do not think twice about boarding an airplane.   [Funny,  I am most religious while riding in a plane.]

38. You think the private sector can completely replace government investments but you’re OUTRAGED Obama ended the Space Shuttle program.  [Indeed,  the private sector could have run the Shuttle program effectively and is now,  beginning to take up the slack.  Besides,  most contractors in the Shuttle Program were in the private sector.]

39. You think using a teleprompter means you are stupid. But only if you happen to be the president. It’s OK for everyone else.  [Clinton once lost the use of his teleprompter just as he was about to begin his speech  (State of the Union,  I believe),  and gave his 60 minute  speech, without a hitch,  and without any notes after the prompter “went down. We have all seen how Obama functions without his prompter.  In fact,  he is the first president to talk to a 6th grade classroom using teleprompters. ]

40. You think being asked to drink an extra glass of water a day is tyranny.  [You must have met my mother.]

41. You think being asked to do more community service is tyranny.  [You must know my preacher.]

42. You think being asked to help the poor get health insurance is tyranny.  [You must have read all of Karl Marx’s writings.]

43. You think being asked to let women choose to use birth control is tyranny.  [I am fine with your version of “family planning,”  just don’t ask me to pay for a slut’s college and personal orgies.]

44. You think being asked to respect other religions is tyranny. [I call it “heresy”]

45. You think being asked to leave homosexuals alone is tyranny.  [I have no problem leaving them alone.  Now,  if they would just leave me alone,  all would be peace and love.]
46. You think being publicly shamed for your racism is tyranny.  [It was Dems who lost the Civil War,  invented the KKK,  wrote ALL of the Jim Crow laws,  killed Martin Luther King Jr, and segregated the military during both World Wars.]

47. You think not allowing criminals and the mentally ill to buy guns is tyranny.  [Huh ???]

48. You think allowing everyone to vote is tyranny.  [I think allowing everyone to vote twice is disgraceful.]

49. You think Obama exercising his constitutional authorities is tyranny.  [Ah.  If he would only do that,  emphasis on “only.”]

50. You grew up in America and think you actually understand what real tyranny is.  [Apparently you don’t,  and I assume you were born in America.]

Gosh,  this was easy.  


  1. Just to show you how fictitious these idiotic claims are.... Smithson says:
    "You think record breaking cold weather in the middle of winter disproves “Global Warming.” [Do know just how stupid sound at this point?] "

    This January was the FOURTH WARMEST ON RECORD

    Ignorance, lies and anti-science, anti fact

  2. During the winter of 2012-13, 10 states recorded the cold winter on record. In 2010-11, that winter in Colorado saw the most snow on record (260 inches). The winter, this year, is the 3rd coldest on record, and the winter is not over. So the summers are hot, in some places in our nation and the winters are very cold, in some places in our nation.

    Ditto for the world. Some countries are hot and some are not, which means, of course, that there is no such thing as global warming.

    When you average all the temps world wide, you might have an unusually hot year, ON AVERAGE. . But that is a false picture. Our nation (and Canada and Mexico) did NOT have the "4th warmest Jan in history," but the world did. So how did that happen?

    Look, if there are six temp zones in the world, and five have average years, but the 6th region has a 6 point spike in temperature, the AVERAGE of all six will give the weather scare-mongers their claim of "the warmest year ever" when, in fact, only one region out of six was exceptionally hot. If the "world" is warming, but the North American Continent is not, how can you say "the world is getting hotter?" In fact, you can't.

  3. Even a moron can see what direction these curves are trending.

    Are you going to remain a scientific illiterate the rest of your life, Smithson.

    Yea, I would expect so.

  4. Last year I listened to two climate scientists who were not alarmists. They told two opposition "earth first" advocates this: "We are talking about a one to two degree rise in temps over the course of the next 100 years, if that trend has not already reversed itself. The night temps will be higher, driving the "averages" up and INCREASING THE GROWING SEASON." Their opposition had absolutely nothing to say, in rebuttal.

    You said, "Even a moron can see . . ." I say, prove it.

  5. Because you are a scientific illiterate, creationist moron, who denies the fact of evolutionary science, your reader(s) should know that a two degree difference over 100 yrs is HUGE. It only took a 6 degree change over Two THOUSAND yrs to create a major extinction event that melted both polar caps 55 million ys ago ... called the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum.

  6. I was quoting two climate scientists, moron. And everyone knows that if temps are up a degree or two in SOME PLACES in the world, those regions' growing seasons will only increase. If "global warming" were truly "global," every region of the world would be warming. That is not happening. The North American CONTINENT has been cooling for more than two decades. Three years ago, the media made a big deal of a heat wave in Spain. The surrounding European nations held normal temps that year. Like I say, "It ain't global if it ain't global."

    You claims about that "6 degree temp change" comes from myths circulated by Mark Lynas . The reader is invited to cut an paste this link in the Left leaning Huff Post. Even the Left thinks this guy is a nutcase. Here is that link:

  7. Educate yourself ...creationist moron.

  8. I believe God is eternal, without beginning or ending but can't "prove" it. You believe that matter and (particulate) motion are eternal, without beginning or ending, but can't "prove" it. Soooooo, whose the moron?
