Headlines from a teaparty point of view - if you want to take the time.

Much of the following information is "need to know" stuff,  BUT, all of it should be considered in the context that "we conservatives,  are all on the same team."  Reagan,  whom "we" claim to espouse, was very much opposed to Republicans attacking and devouring other Republicans.  I have not advanced that concept,  until now.  If we are going to win the day,  we have to win a national election.  Just keep my comments in mind as you read.  ~  blog editor.    

• Teaparty scandal Brewing 
• Sarah Palin Was Right - Socialized Healthcare Demands Death Panels. 
• Why Should the House Impeach President Obama? 
• Another Green Bird-Killer 
• Utah lawmaker floats bill to cut off NSA data centre's water supply (and 25 more headlines  . . . . .

. . . . . .  
• Of Cards and Clowns 
• This is Not Going tto Make our Liberal Friends Happy! 
• Another ACA lie exposed 
• Communists to Obama: We've Got Your Back 
• We see his lies but not the way out 
• Ukraine 
• Best Presidents ever in the U.S. 
• The Inequality of Government Access 
• Nice rack 
• 28 Obamacare delays listed in one infographic 
• Who is Ed Mezvinsky 
• Time to leave 
• Democrats and internal hemorrhoids 
• A new way to count votes installed in the Senate 
• Another Biden racist comment 
• Revolt in the ranks: Foreign Service group demands better qualified diplomats 
• Senate Democrats: The IRS Must Crack Down on Our Critics Ahead of the Election 
• Cornyn and McConnell do It Again 
• Golf, Not Drought, Brings Obama to California 
• AFSA calls out the Admistration on diplomatic posts. 
• USA Today: Obamacare's Website Still Broken for Many Consumers 
• Pelosi, Marx, and 'Job Lock' 
• The Democratic Party and Karl Marx 
• Industrial Production Plunges, Fed Blames Weather 
• Obama far outpaces predecessors in appointing donors to foreign posts 


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. filthy comparisons are not allowed on this blog, whether from the Left or (occasionally) on the right. Just be glad you do not live next door to me.

  3. All you need to know about the tbaggers is that they would much rather see Americans suffer and fail then see Obama or any Democrat succeed. That is who they are.

  4. All you have to think about the tbaggers is that they might much rather see Americans endure and fall flat then see Obama or any Democrat succeed.
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