The whiny Left is at it again. "They" make up the insults, but cry like children when those same insults are used against them.

<<<<  Editor's notes:  I post this picture without apology,  but not without an explanation.  Understand that Stalin was a heartless, enemy of the people,  a "Marxist" without an moral conviction.  Obama is none of these things, BUT,  there is common ground.  Stalin claimed to be a Marxist,  Obama brags about his Marxist choices.  Stalin was a ruthless dictator,  Obama is only a wannabe dictator  . . . . . . .  as far a similarities,  that's about it.  Good enough to post the picture,  however.  Like I said,  "If it was good for Bush,  it works for Obama." In a piece out of TMZ,  we have this whiny sounding article associated with a picture,  the content of which (talking about the picture) that came right out of the Democrat "bash Bush" playbook.  I say, "If this kind of crap is good for Bush,  it is more than good for Obama.  Turn around IS fair play."

Of course,  "one party rule" was never true for Bush,
but "a o.k." with our Progressive/Socialist friends.

An advertisement (pictured above) for a State of the Union watch party in Michigan sponsored
by AFP features Obama with the Kremlin in the background. The ad reads "Thank You, Comrade Obama: for Saving the Children from the menace of guns, family, liberty, work, and other outdated values."
The ad seems to be a play off of an communist advertisement featuring Joseph Stalin.
The ad includes a link to, a website trying to poke fun at "progressive liberals."
The image was taken down later on Monday. A spokesman for Americans for Prosperity in Michigan said the image was not created by someone at the group.

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