A look back to 2013 tells us what to expect with this year's State of the (dis)Union.

<<<  His "State of the Union" speeches have not been as well received - on average - as GW Bush's.  Will this year's speech be any different?  

In 2013’s address to the nation,  Obama called for a $9 minimum wage,  gun control, comprehensive immigration control,  proposed a “College Scoreboard” and lowering the cost of higher education,  and called for  “smarter government that sets priorities and invests in broad-based growth” without stating specifics.  Since last January,  he offered nothing in terms of detailed programs,  which means,  of course,  this “smarter government” rhetoric was nothing but great sounding hot air. 

He touted increased energy supply,  a product of the private sector for which he,  mystically,  claims credit.  Of course,  he forgot to mention that energy prices have skyrocketed under his administration of environmental regulations,  effecting the working poor and Middle America much more than all other Americans combined. 

He bragged about the “creation” of 6 million jobs,  forgetting to cite the number of jobs lost,  during the past five years  (giving us a net LOSS of 2.2 million jobs) or giving mention to the fact that 11 million Americans are no longer counted in the workforce,  11 million more than when he took office.  He made no reference that he has nearly doubled the food stamp program,  that 40% of black working aged American’s are out of work and without hope,  under his past 5 year administration of his so-called “jobs program.”  

Understand that when an administrator in charge of job creation,  comes up with manufacturing windows,  weather stripping homes,  fixing potholes,  giving away electric golf carts,  and “shovel ready jobs,”  you know that brain-trust is retarded if not dead. 

The rumor is that he will,  again,  call for more money for universal preschool child care,  expanding the unemployment benefits provisions, a ratification of his deal with Iran, a continued refusal to "compromise" with a GOP congress,  and turning to an imperial style presidency to “get things done.” 

In the end,  expect this to be the “same old same old,”  with absolutely nothing new,  and,  more importantly,  nothing new in terms of what can work in the halls of congress.  This speech will be all about framing his strategy for the coming midterms and,  I believe,  will embrace a "fight tone" in its presentation.  
Related articles:  

Click on this link for the 2013 "Union" transcript.  


  1. Honestly, after March of 2010, or whenever he signed ObamaCare, his message has not really changed. You talk about "same old same old." Right as rain, I say. And what do they say about "crazy?" Doing the same thing over and over expecting something different to happen?

  2. Maybe you made this point, but tonight's speech will include a heavy dose of confrontation. That is what he is - just an unaccomplished bullshitter who found the perfect "occupation" in being a community organizer -- and I am a Democrat in the DemocratIC Party.

  3. I got your point with "Democrat IC." I was a Democrat myself and voted enthusiastically for Jimmy Carter. The official name of the party is "Democratic Party." I never use that term, preferring "Democrat" because "Democratic" is a word that speaks to majority rule and the Democrat/Socialist of today, could not care less if their opinions are in the majority or not. There is nothing "democratic" about telling the world, "Its my way or the highway."
