Obama admits to the failure of his jobs creation efforts, as he begs for more aid for jobless America. Expect the Submissive Media to key on the GOP's reluctance to spend the money, while ignoring the reason jobless benefits are necessary, in the first place.

You can listen,  if you want,  but Obama takes 3 minutes to say what can be said in about 20 seconds.  In a concerted effort to move away from the failures of ObamaCare and the impact of more than a dozen major policy failures,  including his ignorance as to the role Big Government plays in the death of private sector job growth,  Obama calls for continuing the unemployment benefit program beyond 26 weeks.  In so  doing,  he admits to his failure in the arena of "jobs creation."  After five stinking years,  it is incredible that this sort of action is still needed. 

Rather than admitting to the devastating effect of his middle class tax increases and his growing list of regulations and environmental penalties,  his only solution is to give away more money.   The GOP will work for the extension,  but will demand that this program be fully funded with going to military funding and the retirement funds of our Vets. 

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