If you understand that the "political class" includes a "dictator constinency" and those who would empower the presidency, you will understand my angst with the following story involving McCain and Graham.

A couple of issues with the following story (bottom of scroll):  for starters,  it gives too much credit to  our two resident buffoons,  Lindsey Graham ( he is the one with a brain) and John McCain,  the fellow who thinks the conservative nation is retarded to the point of believing him when he pretends  (make that a past tense verb) to be a Constitutionally controlled conservative. 

I cannot be the only citizen blogger in this world who is aware of what Obama was and is doing,  in Iraq. 

The facts of that War are these:  Bush killed nearly 40,000 terrorists during that war,  a war that ended in victory.  He supported his troops while in combat,  giving them “rules of engagement” that allowed for victory and protected them in battle.  Bush captured and interrogated dozens (if not hundreds) of terrorists,  giving his Administration information and enough awareness to prevent any attacks on our homeland,  after 9/11.   And,  when we left Iraq  (Bush always had an exit strategy,  never reported in the Marxist Media),  he left,  in place,  a treaty with the Iraqi government that allowed for as many as 50,000 American troops to remain in that country, insuring the military  stability of that country,  after the long period of war and dictatorship. 

Obama unilaterally reversed all of this.  The Iraqi government wanted us to keep a residual force in their country,  but Obama chose to ignore the existing exit treaty and the desires of the Iraqi government,  and moved all troops from that country.    

Syria would not be in the mess it is today,  if the path to that country had not included  a free flow of Iranian  terrorists through Iraq. 

Obama’s rules of engagement have put our soldiers in harms way,  preventing “surprise attacks” on enemy forces, the offering of Miranda rights and legal representation to captured terrorists,   and an insistence on a catch and release policy in the name of “human decency.”  Because we no longer interrogate terrorists,  we know almost nothing about their future plans in the Middle East and Africa nor their planned intentions in this country.   The successful Boston Bombings, the failed Christmas attempt (2010) during a domestic flight, and,  a failed car bombing in New York,  are three  of several incidences that have been perpetrated during the Obama Administration.   His Iraqi policy has laid waste to the Bush Victory,  and his Afghanistan War,  is nothing less than a very sad and sadistic episode in American history. 

And, today,  Graham and McCain are telling us . . . .  what?   

They were part of the political machine,  during all of this time  (Bush and Obama) and their feckless “leadership” has given us nothing but empty talk,  in the face of a nonsensical foreign policy driven by a childish passion for “fairness” and “peace on Earth.”  For these two clowns to insist on the “predictability” of current events within Iraq,  is to admit that their leadership,  as well as Obama’s, has been disturbingly sordid and meaningless.   They could have protested each day of this colossal foreign policy debacle,  but,  instead,  they chose to campaign against “harsh interrogation tactics”  that involved [only] three murdering Muslim leaders  --  I said “three.”  The deaths of more than 5,000 of our troops in Iraq have  become meaningless sacrifices as Obama and the political class (the GOP included)  took accomplished victory and turned it into a waste land for continued violence. 

And,  instead of working to curtail the presidential powers of the Dictator Class,  these two are wasting time and money telling us what we already know,  and making headline news,  in their pathetically inadequate polemics directed against an Administration that has never believed in the “finality of war” as a policy for victory and peace.  

Top Republican senators on Saturday blamed the Obama administration for Al Qaeda-affiliates purportedly over-running parts of Iraq, including the city of Fallujah that the United States secured before President Obama removed all U.S. forces from that country in 2011.
Sen. John McCain, Arizona, and Lindsey Graham, South Carolina, called the recent turn of events “as tragic as they were predictable” and suggested Obama mislead Americans into believing that Iraqi leaders wanted U.S. forces out of their country.
“While many Iraqis are responsible for this strategic disaster, the administration cannot escape its share of the blame,” the senators said in a joint statement. “When President Obama withdrew all U.S. forces … over the objections of our military leaders and commanders on the ground, many of us predicted that the vacuum would be filled by America’s enemies and would emerge as a threat to U.S. national security interests. Sadly, that reality is now clearer than ever.”

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