We are bordering on civil war and that is not my opinion, it is the opinion of those law professors who testified before congress on Tuesday.

<<<  Can you believe that 5 years ago,  this bunch of patriot impostors ran on a platform of honesty and openness only to be found lying about every aspect of their only major piece of legislation and expecting folks to believe that "leading from behind" is both reasonable and productive.

Obama has already repealed 7 fairly minor aspects of the healthcare law according to GOP Senators (not his job, not his right),  and has postponed two of the three forced mandates (big and small business) -  again, not his job and not his legal right, cutting potential enrollment into ObamaCare by more than 90% for the coming year,  insuring his schemes and illegal activities will be THE campaign issue for the next three years,  at least.  

Law professors from the Left and Right,  testified before congress,  Tuesday,  that Obama is creating a "4th branch of government,"  what they call an "uber presidency,"  in which he ignores congress almost totally,  uses "executive orders" and regulatory powers to establish his radical and personal legislative agenda for this country and manages the "affairs of state" without apology or explanation to anyone. He is a defacto dictator and no one within the Democrat Party gives a damn  . . . . .  no one (or they would be doing something about his abuse of powers).  

He wages wars on his own,  proposes treatises and tries to enforce them via the UN and international law,  recreates the rules of the Senate so he can continue his dictatorial accumulation of powers,  ignores pleas for help in Benghazi and is insulted that some demand he tell the truth,  for once in his pathetic life,  about that disaster, along with Fast and Furious and his ordering of the IRS targeting practices,  something that continues to this day!!.  
We are not looking at a fundamental change but a fundamental take-over,  hostile to a surprising degree,  with 40% of this nation thinking this is a good idea.   

Point of post:  To encourage all who read to get involved,  and do what you can to save this nation from anarchy and ultimate ruin.  Understand that this clown in the White House has no comprehensive plan, no public reasoning for his secret restructuring reforms,  reforms that honors law and order as the basis for his reform.  He is nothing but a blowhard,  married to a woman who has become the most unimportant First Lady of our time,  and attached to a Vice President who is a national joke.

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