If ObamaCare is such a wonderful idea, and, is, suddenly, "working as it should," why are there no answers for these and other questions?

The headline is our question:  

Why this report:  Washington (CNN) -- Democratic Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, one of Obamacare's architects and staunchest supporters, is also the only top congressional leader to exempt some of his staff from having to buy insurance through the law's new exchanges.

Why have our socialist inspired national unions  (not all unions fit into this description, btw) gone to the WH, demanding exemption from this reform?

Why is Obama, Reid or Pelosi and their families not members of their own reform legislation?

Why did "they" feel the need to lie about keeping our doctors,  our insurance plans and our reasonably priced insurance plans?  

Why do they continue to lie,  every step of the way,  as to their website "fix" and the details of ObamaCare?  

Understand that the reason congress has to "investigate" the rollout,  is centered in the fact that the Administration does not want to step forward with the truth,  offering nothing in terms of real numbers?

If things are working well with ObamaCare, why did 39 Democrats,  in the House,  vote to postpone the ObamaCare rollout? 

If we combine the programming from security and billing,  we have more than 50% of the healthcare website not in existence,  having not been written and tested.  Why is that? 

If ObamaCare is such a great idea with folks "flocking" to enroll,  why is Obama taking the next 14 days to campaign to his own base,  frantically trying to reverse the loss of support within his Democrat Party?   

Why did Bill Clinton go on record telling those who still listen to him,  that Obama needs to keep his promises as to keeping our doctors and our insurance policies?

I could go on,  but you get the drift.  The American people have NEVER favored this particular bill  -  not once in 4 years of polling by PEW, Gallup, and all the remaining national polling firms.  


  1. Hello Paul. You do know that you have sooooooo lost the argument, right? Proof ?? You dismiss my questions rather than try to give answers. Why do you people camp on personal attacks while actually avoiding the issues . . . . if you all have the answers?
