Shocker: Kirsten Powers converts to Christianity from being a stanch atheist. Hope the Church is as kind to her as was her secular buds.

The news broke yesterday,  December 2, 2013.
If you watch Fox News,  you will recognize Kirsten Powers,  know that she is a thoughtful liberal analyst paid by Fox for her point of view and a pundit willing to criticize both sides of any particular question.  I have been a big fan for years . . . in spite of her political "home."  

And now,  we have this news.  She writes about her conversion in Christianity Today, here,  a leading Christian publication representing all "sides" of the Christian perspective.  She wrote the article back at the end of October, but somehow I missed it.  

My only hope is that she does not become discouraged with the hypercritical nature of so many within the Evangelical Church.  "They" can be brutal . . . . . I know from personal experience.  Me? I have been kicked out of more churches than some of you have driven past, was forced into "retirement" after 14 years of public/paid ministry, and, yet, I still attend their services, fully aware that only Christ is perfect while his physical church is a mess.  

God bless Kirsten in your new found faith.  

To her,  I write, "You have, now, added yourself to the knock-down, drag-out world of evangelical faith and politics.  Your faith is personal,  not corporate,  and centered in a living Christ,  not a perfect church.  Hang in there."

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