<<<< The outrageous Democrat and media driven lie about the GOP's healthcare plan. Here (this post) is the truth, and the GOP plan has been around for more than four years.
You can see the plan, here. It was written before March of 2010 and the reason this might be the first time you have heard of this plan is simple: the Marxist Media simply refuses to feature it in their reporting. If the populace media does not do its job, the people remain in ignorance on most issues.
Their plan allows for pre-existing conditions, features tort reform and allows folks to shop for insurance across state lines. ObamaCare, by contrast, does not allow a citizen to cross county lines, which, in and of itself, will drive prices up.
Further, the GOP plan encourages small business to pool their resources in a concerted effort to keep premiums on the low side. ObamaCare does not do this and its initial premium schedule, already a 40% increase on average, will only rise, year after year. At any rate, the GOP plan has some 11 points, but was summarily rejected by the Dems and Obama because they want to claim sole tribute for the reform bill.
Understand that is not "universal," affordable, or popular. 30 to 50 million folks will be uninsured when this is over; premiums cost $2,500 more for a typical family of four rather than the opposite, as promised by Obama; and the Democrat plan as never received a single positive polling affirmation since the beginning of this debate.
Read the plan and pass it on to friends and family . . . . . . since the Marxist Media refuses to do its job.
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