She is much more intelligent than Obama but every bit the Progressive.

Judicial Watch has been seeking full disclosure as to documents held by Hillary Clinton pertaining to her efforts at healthcare reform,  back in 1993.  JW filed Freedom of Information requests back in 2006 and 2007.  On November 6th,  Judicial Watch reported the release of more than 57,000 pages of documents.  In them we have these three points.  If you think Hillary is less a radical than Obama,  maybe you should continue reading.  

There is a difference between the two,  however;  Hillary is an intelligent Progressive,  Obama is a Chicago Thug who likes the sound of “wealth redistribution” almost as much as he likes the sound of his own voice.
In the papers released to JW,  we have these three points.  The similarities between Obama and Hillary are startling.  

1.  A June 18, 1993, internal memorandum containing the startling admission from a staff member: “… I have trouble coming up with a precedent in our peacetime history for such broad and centralized control over a sector of the economy… “

2.  A “Confidential” May 26, 1993, memorandum from Senator Jay Rockefeller (D-WV) to Hillary Clinton entitled, ‘Health Care Reform Communications,” criticizing the Task Force as a “secret cabal of Washington policy ‘wonks’” that has engaged in “choking off information” from the public regarding health care reform.

3.  A February 5, 1993, draft memorandum noting the development of an “interest group data base” detailing which organizations” support(ed) us in the election” and tracking personal information about organization leaders, such as their home phone numbers, addresses, “biographies, analysis of credibility in the media, and known relationships with Congress people.”

1 comment:

  1. Regular people are the spenders and the economy is driven by them. All the money at the top has lead to predictable economic stagnation. It has nothing to do with politics anymore. Wealth needs to be redistributed in America or it will become a nation of the poor and haggard on every street -probably about to raid YOUR refrigerator.
