Peace treaty with Iran? Ain't going to happen. Just talk and nothing more. is reporting:  Obama reiterated that he was “determined” to prevent Iran from going nuclear, mentioning that his administration presided over “unprecedented” sanctions, despite the fact that his administration is now loosening those sanctions in exchange for precisely nothing. Nonetheless, Obama, looking somewhat nervous as he glanced at his teleprompters on left and right, stated that the west would now have the opportunity to verify that the Iranian nuclear program was “peaceful,” stating that the deal would mean that “parts” of the program would be halted.
According to Obama, Iran would now be prevented from creating the next generation of centrifuges, and would be expected to halt its plutonium reactor work; inspections, Obama stated, would be plentiful. But he added that this planning would “limit” – not stop – the path to a nuclear weapon.

Editor’s notes:  Obama has sat on his hands from day one,  with regard to Iran.  During that time,  this rogue nation,  a threat not only to Israel and the US, but all of the Middle East, has increased the number of centrifuges in its arsenal from 5,000 to 16,000;  20,000 are needed to build a bomb.  While Obama touts his “sanctions,”  and they are harsh, they have not limited Iran’s military intentions to any degree.  In other words,  Obama has failed in this effort,  and failed miserably.  Leadership "from behind" is a fool's concept,  and each day,  in every way,  this proven to be true. 

Keep in mind,  this would-be treatise has to be approved in the Senate.  It is my impression that, as things stand today,  that is not going to happen  . . . . . .  just a lot of talk  hoping to change the subject and move away from the daily news and the mess Obama has created in ObamaCare.  

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