Obama with his hapless foregn policy, is playing with the survival of Israel and Israel is tired of his two timing ways.
Israel said to be working with Saudi Arabia on Iran strike plan
reported to give Jerusalem okay to use Saudi airspace and to cooperate
on other tactical support, according to Sunday Times . . . . The Times of Israel.
Editor's notes: Israel is running out of time and realizes that with Obama, it no longer has a dependable ally in the United States. Obama spies on [all] his allies, and has back-stabbed Israel on a number of occasions, not to mention Great Britain, Poland, Georgia, Mubarak in Egypt and Gaddafi in Libya. As regards Israel, however, the truth about Obama is this: He is a typical Chicago thug who hates the Jew and their hold on much of the financial world.
Beside the cultural hatred street blacks have for the Jewish community, Obama is in love with himself and has made a habit of making unilateral decisions, often illegal as defined by law, without regard for the opinions of other or the effect those decisions might have. He is playing with fire in the Israel/Iran situation but why should he really care . . . . I mean he is here and the Jews are way over there.
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