Mission Statement: This blog reviews the news of the day in light of 242 years of American history. "Nationalism," a modern day pejorative, has been our country's politic throughout history, until 2008. Obama changed that narrative. Trump is seeking a return to our historical roots. Midknight Review supports this return to normality.
Is ObamaCare the "last straw" leading to our financial collapse as a nation? Who knows, but THAT day is coming and civil war will be the result . . . . . and no one in D.C has the courage to stem the tide of this sad reality.
Barack Obama being clear that his team messed up Obamacare made it hard
for liberal PBS NewsHour pundit Mark Shields to try Democrat Happy
Instead, Shields joined the liberal gloomfest: “If this goes down, if the Obama -- if health care, the Affordable Care
Act is deemed a failure, this is the end -- I really mean it -- of
liberal government.” He even acknowledged Obama lied about Keeping Your
Editor's Notes: Understand this: if ObamaCare does fail, it will be the end result of decades worth of failed social well-being programs at the federal level. The progressive income tax was a wealth redistribution scheme from the Left. It was not critically needed when passed into law, but the Socialists among us were running out of money. Its measure of "failure" is found in the fact that increases to this tax never stop, and, those who administer this tax, never report a balance sheet revealing the amount of waste, administration costs, fraud, and sheer theft that is at the center of this repressive tax. The fact of this matter is this: by the time this tax money filters down through all the federal agencies, state, county and local governments, the waste, fraud and administrative costs total more than 40% - that's trillions of dollars taken out the economy per year, and no one in D.C. cares.
Then we have Social Security, an impossible benefits scam that originally required 40 workers per recipient for funding. I say, "impossible" because the benefits have grown to include the notion of a "fully funded and individual retirement program," while the number of workers taxed for this excessive financial disaster, is no more than three workers per retiree. I say "excessive financial disaster" because SS is 17 trillion dollars in debt with 10,000 Baby Boomers retiring into this program per day. There are 78 million potential Boomer retirees, who will be coming into this program in the next 15 years. You do the math . . . . . . because it is for darned certain Libs have no clue when it comes to addition and subtraction. Medicare/Medicaid is even worse. This is our first and only "single payer" health program. It owes itself 42 trillion dollars and is now the center piece in ObamaCare.
Do we all benefit from these programs? Of course. Does that mean they are wildly successful? Only fools claim "success" for unsustainable programs that threaten the health and well-being of this nation.
There is a point in time, when cheap money will no longer be available to fund our blotted Progressive complexity, and, at that time, all hell will break loose . . . . . and I am talking violence and civil war.
If ObamaCare is the "last straw," that will be the case only because of the pressure put on our progressive/socialist system by all that has gone before. Is ObamaCare the last straw leading to our financial demise? Probably . . . . . but, again, we do not have leadership in D.C. that gives a damn about such problems.
Know this: someday, we will run out of cheap money and the Utopian Fantasy that is our federal government will come crashing down. We can only hope that this happens sooner, rather than latter.
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