Obama pretends to be more the "Constitutionalist" than Bush but his administration is guilty of more illegal activity than any president in modern times.

 <<<  Why we all - Dems and Republicans,  Libertarians and Independents,  must fight for the continuance of Constitutional High Regard. 

According to the Washington Times,  Obama's win/lose record before the High Court is the poorest of all modern time presidents,  at one point losing 15 of his first 25 court appearances.  In fact,  in 2012,  he lost more decisions than he won, proving his disregard for Constitutional boundaries.  See this Times report, here.   Keep this in mind as you read the following. 
From Breitbart.com because no one else will run this story: 

In 2007, then-Senator Barack Obama (D-IL) attended a fundraiser where he blasted President Bush, telling the crowd, “I was a constitutional law professor, which means unlike the current president I actually respect the Constitution.” President Obama, however, has been far less respectful of the Constitution that Senator Obama purportedly was. In fact, Obama has steadily violated a bevy of Constitutional provisions ranging from separation of powers to specific elements of the Bill of Rights and subsequent amendments.

This week, Obama unilaterally decided to tell insurance companies that they could now allow sale of plans in the individual insurance market that Obamacare had prevented, forcing five million Americans off the health plans they liked. As Ken Klukowski of Breitbart News has written, this is a violation of the Constitutional separation of powers: 

Obama’s announcement is a flagrant and undeniable violation of his constitutional duty under the Take Care Clause. 

The provisions of Obamacare causing enormous trouble for insurance plans are mandatory, and only Congress can change those parts of the Affordable Care Act. [and this is true because ObamaCare is not "established law" to use Obama's own description of this law ~ blog editor]

[Obama's violation of "established law"] 
But . . . . . Obama has a history of violating the Constitutional balance of powers. As Kimberly Strassel of the Wall Street Journal has noted, he has unilaterally suspended enforcement of immigration law; he has refused to prosecute drug law violators; he simply stopped defending federal laws he didn’t like, like the Defense of Marriage Act, in court; he issues waivers on Obamacare and the No Child Left Behind Act; Obama’s Environmental Protection Agency has attempted to regulate carbon emissions when Congress didn’t push through a global warming bill; he appointed members of the National Labor Relations Board in violation of law; his administration rammed through an auto bailout that screwed bondholders, as well as a slush fund from British Petroleum. Strassel writes, “Mr. Obama came to office promising to deliver a new kind of politics. He did—his own, unilateral governance.”

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