Here are the angry liberal reactions to the CMA's good natured roast of ObamaCare.

First,  the roast at the CMA's :

And now,  the childish reaction: 

It is alright for these clowns to have called Bush 43 every name in the book but when folks make a joke about the joke that is ObamaCare,  well,  they just go to pieces.  And look at the worded reactions:  slurs, the f-word, hate for the opposition party (the GOP), a whiny "everybody hates blacks" complaint, and an appeal to boycott or otherwise shutdown the CMA's.  

Understand that every day,  every single day,  I have to read a slur against me,  personally,  spoken by the Chief Whiner as he continues to pollute the voting poll against the teaparty.  When he attacks the teaparty as being racist and anti-intellectual,  he is attacking me and millions of other  (about half the nation) on a personal level,  such is the nature of insults;  they are always designed to be personal even when applied to large segments of the population.  

Point of post:  Just to remind the reader of the insufferable and childish rhetoric coming from the radical wing of the Democrat party.  You really cannot fight ignorant/arrogant stupidity.  So you hope that the reasonable Libs  (and there are some of those folks walking around,  upright and thinking) will get tired of where their party has gone,  and speak out against this "new" direction.  

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