In spite of all the threats coming from the Obama administration, serious threats of prosecution and the like, CBS takes a shot at the Slickster with this 2.50 minute news blurb:

Turns out that the more disturbing news of the day,  regarding the legislative abortion we call ObamaCare,  is found in the fact that the vast majority of  "sign-ups" are by the poor, folks with very little money,  looking for free insurance coverage via Medicaid/Medicare.  Understand that Medicaid is a single-payer health care system.  ObamaCare as an insurance exchange, must have healthy folks sign up for the program or it cannot survive.  And,  as things stand today,  it will not survive if the present statistical curve continues.  All we can do is hope that there are surviving insurance companies left to pick up the pieces,  or a government run,  single payer system will be this countries only choice.