Perhaps this is why our resident Loser, John McCain, despises Ted Cruz.

Maybe McCain hates Cruz because of such frank observations as this: 

 “I don’t know a conservative who didn’t feel embarrassed voting in 2006 or 2008.  I think the Republican Party lost its way. We didn’t stand for the principles we’re supposed to believe in.”  

I voted for McCain because of Sarah Palin,  and have hated myself since  -  not because of Palin but because of my vote for McCain. 

He pretended to be a right wing conservative,  to have an evangelical type partnership with the religious Right.  Most who follow politics know of McCain’s harsh criticism of these two groups during his run against Bush in 2004.  Turns out,  that first impression was more than correct,  and now,  we have a picture of this Loser standing in solidarity with John Kerry,  a proven traitor during the Viet Nam war,  a fact that McCain no longer cares to make an issue.  

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