Congress is about to play the role of an "Obama stooge" and "we the people" are about to be ignored, once again.

In an interview with Chris Wallace on “Fox News Sunday,  John Kerry,  a Viet Nam traitor in his own rite,  made this statement in defense of Obama’s sudden turnaround as to involving the Congress in his decision to attack Syria:  “He is not trying to create an imperial presidency. He is trying to respect the process by which we are strongest in this country.”

Problem:  Neither Kerry nor Chris Wallace went on to reference the fact that Obama made it clear,  on Saturday,  that he holds the power of the final decision,  that he might decide to attack,  even if Congress should vote against such an action  . . . . . proving Kerry’s rhetoric to be little more than hyperbole.  
I have made this point before,  actually within minutes of the announced decision to involve Congress: This is nothing short of a dodge for Obama,  and a perfect one at that.  He was getting destroyed in the public debate over the issue of this "red line."  He no more wants to actually attack Syria than he wants to work at his job of being president   . . . . . .   two years of doing nothing but watch as hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians have been murdered in Syria,  is proof of that.  So he decided to involve Congress in his misery,  and Congress has no choice,  of course,  but to act on his request.  
And look "how the worm has turned."  In the days just before this Saturday's announcement,  most of the talk was against an attack,  and all of the public polling showed a domestic population 80% opposed to such action,  as well.  Sunday,  the MSM began reporting a 50/50 divide in public opinion polling and Establishment politicians began calling for a "yes" vote,  because,  as Joe Lieberman put it (again, on Fox News Sunday),  "the credibility of the United States is at stake."    
Which brings us to another problem:  This most recent time delay,  gives Syria all the time it needs to prepare for such an attack,  to move "assets" out of sight,  to plan for a counter-offensive or even a pre-emptive strike,  and to continue killing more of its own citizens.  Obama has said that this decision is not "time sensitive,"  and that is true to an extent, of preparing for the attack and continuing to kill people is not figured into the equation.  
One thing we have learned about Obama and war,  he has very little true concern for life lost in pursuit of whatever he deems as a justifiable function of war.  In Benghazi,  he actually went to bed before the killing of our Marine hero's was over and has done absolutely nothing since their deaths;  his drone strategy has killed more than 5,000 civilians while killing just 60 Taliban leaders,  a strategy he opposed when Bush used it and killed a total of 300 people,  leaders and civilians alike.  He has wasted the loss of military lives in both Iraq and Afghanistan with his feckless war time policies as to our after-war policies in Iraq,  his "fairness strategies" embedded,in his "rules of engagement" and his refusal to define "victory" in traditional military terms; and,  now,  he has sat on skinny butt for two years,  watching thousands die in Syria,  while he played his political and meaningless games with regard to the Middle East.  When we add it all up,  his brand of military leadership is not just ill-advised,  it is dangerous to those who serve under his command,  and a threat to the vitality of our national security.  And proof of all this, has risen to the point of being over-whelming.  
So,  for the next several weeks,  we get to watch as the will of the people is, again,  ignored,  and,  the blowhards within the political establishment (in both parties) insist on the fantasy that the United States still has "credibility" in this world,  a not-so-funny joke, in and of itself.  
And Obama continues in his pursuit of an Imperial Presidency,  unchecked and without any ultimate or meaningful opposition,  thanks to the RINO Herd within the GOP and the Socialist One Worlders within the Democrat Party.  

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