All the internal political unrest experienced in this country over the past 5 years is about one thing: blacks using the minority platform to take over the governance of the United States - at least according to ACORN leadership.

ACORN’s former CEO Bertha Lewis urged Africans-Americans to support increased immigration as a strategy to gain political power.

“We got some Latino cousins, we got some Asian cousins, we got some Native-American cousins, we got all kind of cousins,” said Lewis, who spoke Thursday at the annual political conference of the Congressional Black Caucus.

“Cousins need to get together because if we’re going to be [part of the non-white] majority, it makes sense for black people in this country to get down with immigration reform,” said Lewis, whose ACORN group was formally disbanded in 2010 after a series of scandals. (taken from the Daily  

Editor's notes:  Of course,  most blacks are not militant Progressives,  but most blacks are perfectly willing to sit around and do nothing about the anger and poverty that is driving the current debate.  

Me?  I am sick and tired of listening to blacks paint white America as racist when, as a matter of fact,  that is simply not true;  it is an outrageous lie.   All  (read: "ALL") of my (white) friends would have willingly fought and died for black deliverance.  Many in my family did. But all of my friends are equally tired of the rhetorical crap that passages as serious dialogue,  coming from the likes of Jesse Jackson,  Al Sharpton,  Louis Farrakhan,  Maxine Waters,  Harry Belafonte and on and on.  

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