Understand that this short video records a very typical Leftist approach to public debate. This video is not the only example of their anti-speech agenda, however. (Updated for content).

Understand that this short video records a very typical Leftist approach to public debate:  talk louder than the other side and criminalize their speech.  Make no mistake, THAT is the strategy of Progressive Democrat Party.  They do not believe in Constitutional values any more than do Muslim Jihadists . . .  period.  

Their primary rule governing debate is this: if you do not agree with their position,  you really should not have the right to free speech protections.  

An abbreviated history of Progressive disdain for individual rights and free speech protections:  

NBC bought the weather channel a couple of years ago,  and immediately banned all weather forecasts that suggested disagreement with global warming positions and disallowed the hiring of those who disagree with the faith based tenants of global warming (the Left's newest religious "test of fellowship"). 

Many Progressive colleges and universities now refuse to hire conservative professors,  and,  this number is growing.  

Progressives have overtaken the education of our children,  and in many, many school districts,  forbid the recording of classroom lectures or the attendance of parents in those classrooms.  

Over the years,  godless Progressives have never tired of their assault on Christianity and religious expression.  Their "point man,"  H Obama,  has done more harm to free religious speech and the influence of the Christian faith than all other presidents combined.  He refused to speak (2009 Georetown) apart from the covering of the symbolic name for "Jesus;"  was overturned by the High Court in his attempt to force Mt Tabor Lutheran Church into hiring a non-believer into its private school program;  and has taken down most tax benefits for religious giving.  If he is a Christian,  I am George Clooney.  

Obama has refused to comply with more Freedom of Information demands than all modern day Presidents combined  (since FDR) and, in stories published by the Washington Post,  has ordered agency employees (IRS, NSA, CIA,  FBI,  EPA and so forth) into silence on the threat of legal action.  

These people try to shout down conservative speech in the public square but would whine and complain if any such action was taken against their meetings.  

They invade email accounts,  looking for "dirt" to print in their newspapers. They did this to Sarah Palin and Gen Patraeus just before he was to go public with his criticism of the Benghazi cover-up,  effectively silencing his voice of protest.  

During the year long effort to pass ObamaCare,  the Progressives refused to allow a single GOP amendment to that bill and refused Republicans and all closed door committee meetings on this issue.  In fact,  Obama met with GOP leadership just twice during the year long debate,  neither of which was for the purpose of reconciliation or legislative conference.  

After Gallup issue a number of negative polling results,  Holder and the IRS announced their decision to investigate Gallup for tax fraud and miss use of its non-political classification.  

He ordered the sequester of all surviving Benghazi personnel (more than 40),  gave some fake names,  and refused to inform congress of their "where abouts."   

The teaparty went "official" in 2010.  None of its organizations were approved by the IRS in 2011  . . .  not one individual association and IRS harassment of teaparty 501-c3 and c4 groups continue to this day,  in spite of public admissions by IRS officials of such illegal practices.  All 300 teaparty groups have had to deal with IRS harassment strategies.  No progressive group has had the same issues with the Tax Police.  

They try to destroy any and all businesses supporting conservative thought and process and have been successful in a few of these efforts  (i.e. Glenn Beck at Fox).  Ultimately,  Beck succeeded elsewhere, and Progressive efforts at censorship failed with regard to Hobby Lobby,  the gun industry, Chic-fil-A,  Rush Limbaugh,  Sarah Palin,  and any number of anti-abortion groups.  

Their "get out the vote" campaigns are nothing less than opportunities to pick up prospective voters,  help them fill out their voting ballots,  give them millions of cell phones and free rides to and from the voting booth  -  all in an effort to influence the vote.  They never conduct such campaigns in and for conservative voting districts.  

They demand picture I.D. to get into their national conventions,  but fight ID requirements when applied to voting, again,  all in an effort at cheating their way into political power.   

When their legislators lose power because of an election cycle,  they refuse to assemble in state congress situations,  running to other states rather than respecting the majority vote.  

Their efforts at unionizing America includes a ban on the secret ballot. It is called "card check,"  and is the practice of moving a company into union rule without the benefit of a secret ballot of all workers.  No one on the right is involved in such practices.  

The Progressives invented the KKK to silence black participation in society and wrote ALL of the "Jim Crowe" laws on the record.  In fact,  they  -  so-called "Progressive"  Democrats - were the rebels in the Civil War.  

Domestic environmental terrorism is the sole product of the Progressive Movement in America,  costing out nation billions of dollars each year,  and occasionally the deaths of Americans  (i.e. the "Uni-Bomber").  

"Occupy" is the work of Progressive Anarchists bent on forcing their opinions on the remainder of society.  

It was a Progressive Woodrow Wilson who re-instituted segregation within the military,  during WW I. 

FDR,  another "compassionate Progressive,"  refused to receive the black track champion,  Jesse Owens,  back from his victories in the German Olympics and,  again,  segregated the military during WW II.  
Important after-note:   While liberal Democrats have been with us from the very beginnings of this nation,  the Progressive Movement has not.  More than this,  it is devolved into an collectivist force that seeks to overturn the US Constitution and force the compliance of the non-supporting majority in this country.   

Understand that while conservatives,  true conservatives,  overstep the boundaries of law and order from time to time,  the Progressive Left makes a habit of this in ways that have no equal in the Conservative Camp.  

They took this nation into "civil war" once,  and they are perfectly willing to do so,  again  --  as long as they have all the guns and ammo needed for the fight.  

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